20 Mule Team Borax Pest Control

20 Mule Team Borax Pest Control – Updated

If you’re looking for a more natural and wallet-friendly solution to rid your home of pests such as cockroaches, ants, silverfish, and bed bugs, give 20 Mule Team Borax a try.

20 Mule Team Borax is a mineral (crystalline natural powder composed of boron, sodium, oxygen, and water) that’s been used for over 100 years in various household cleaning and laundry products.

Simply put, borax is affordable and eco-friendly for pest control. It works by dehydrating the exoskeletons of pests, causing them to die of dehydration. Plus, once consumed, borax disrupts the digestive system of insects, making it an effective and natural pesticide.

Let’s get Started!

Types of pests controlled by 20 Mule Team Borax 

20 Mule Team Borax is effective in controlling several common household pests like ants, cockroaches, fleas, termites, and silverfish. Ants can enter homes in search of food or water, and often form colonies in wall voids or under floorboards.

Cockroaches can easily hide in cracks and crevices and can cause allergies and infections. Fleas can bite humans and pets, leading to irritation and itching. Termites can damage the structure of homes and silverfish can damage books, wallpaper, and clothing.

20 Mule Team Borax works by penetrating the exoskeleton of pests, causing dehydration and ultimately death. It is non-toxic to humans and pets but is highly effective on pests.

  • However, it’s important to take precautions while handling Borax as direct contact with eyes, skin, or ingestion can cause irritation. Wear protective gear and follow recommended concentrations and application methods for safe and effective use.

In summary, 20 Mule Team Borax is an effective and safer alternative to chemical pesticides for controlling common household pests. Its ability to kill pests without causing harm to humans and pets makes it a top choice for many homeowners.

Unlocking the Power of 20 Mule Team Borax for Pest Control 

The effectiveness of 20 Mule Team Borax in pest control can be attributed to its remarkable desiccating effect. This ingenious mechanism targets pests by dissolving their waxy protective exoskeletons, thereby initiating a process of dehydration that ultimately leads to their demise.

1. Dehydration through Borax’s Desiccating Power

Pests employ their exoskeletons as a defense mechanism against dehydration, effectively retaining their body moisture. However, the finely textured particles of 20 Mule Team Borax adhere to these exoskeletons, initiating a process of moisture absorption from the insect’s body.

As a result, pests, such as ants, experience rapid dehydration, leading to their eventual demise. The beauty of 20 Mule Team Borax lies in its gentle and natural approach, making it a safe choice for households with children and pets.

2. Strategic Application of Borax

To maximize the efficacy of borax in pest control, strategic application is key. This involves targeting areas where pests thrive, including upholstery, carpets, and pet bedding, and conducting a thorough cleaning before applying the borax.

For targeted surfaces, use a broom or brush to ensure that the 20 Mule Team Borax powder penetrates deep into the fibers of upholstery and carpets. This ensures that borax reaches hidden areas, effectively eliminating flea eggs and larvae.

3. Pest-Proofing Pet Bedding with Borax

Pet bedding often serves as a breeding ground for fleas, necessitating effective pest control measures. Begin by thoroughly washing and fully drying the pet bedding before applying 20 Mule Team Borax generously.

While 20 Mule Team Borax is generally safe for pets, including adult cats and dogs, it’s important to take precautions to prevent discomfort or irritation.

  • Avoid applying borax directly on your pets and refrain from excessive application in areas where pets frequently rest or walk. Restricting pet access to borax-treated areas, possibly using pet gates or isolating them in untreated rooms for a few hours or overnight, can be beneficial.

After treating pet bedding with borax, ensure a thorough washing to remove any excess borax and eliminate any remaining live or dead pests. Vacuuming the treated surfaces and areas will not only clear away borax residue but also eradicate flea eggs and deceased pests.

Incorporating these strategies into your pest control routine can help you harness the full potential of 20 Mule Team Borax for a pest-free and pet-friendly environment.

Where to Apply 20 Mule Team Borax for Pest Control

Pests often find their way into your living spaces through various entry points such as foundation cracks, gaps around windows and doors, and openings near utility pipes. Start by inspecting these areas for signs of pest activity and use targeted borax powder application.

Make sure the area where you apply borax powder is dry and clean. This includes the pests’ hiding and nesting spots, areas around entry points, or their well-traveled trails.

  1. Gaps around Windows and Doors: Examine spaces and openings around windows and doors where pests may gain access. Apply a thin layer of borax powder along these gaps to create a deterrent for ants and cockroaches. The pests will be hesitant to cross this borax barrier, leading to dehydration and death due to their damaged exoskeletons.
  2. Gaps or Spaces near Utility Pipes: Check around electrical and plumbing lines where they enter your home. Seal any gaps or spaces with caulk, and lightly dust borax around these areas to deter insects like ants.
  1. Foundation Cracks: Inspect your home’s foundation for cracks or gaps. Before sealing these openings with filler material, dust them with borax powder. This prevents pests like centipedes or spiders from using these entry points, dehydrating them in the process.
  2. Chimneys and Vents: Install mesh or screens over chimneys and vents to prevent bugs from gaining entry. For added pest protection, consider spraying a borax powder insect barrier on the mesh and screens.
  3. Target the Pests’ Nesting Areas: Different pests have specific nesting preferences. Silverfish favor moist, dark areas like crawl spaces or basements, while roaches are drawn to humid, warm places like bathrooms and kitchens. Ants tend to nest in damp areas with accessible food. Once you’ve identified these hiding and breeding spots, lightly apply borax powder to the nests.
  4. Use Borax as a Bait: Borax can be mixed with other baits to effectively control certain bugs like cockroaches and ants. When insects groom themselves, they ingest borax and eventually die. Mix 20 Mule Team Borax with food items attractive to ants and roaches, such as honey, syrup, sugar, jelly, or peanut butter. For for wasp control, blend borax with hamburger meat (grounded).

Remember, when stored in a dry place, 20 Mule Team Borax maintains its effectiveness over an extended period. It’s essential to note that borax is a chemical compound composed of oxygen, boron, and sodium, derived from a crystalline mineral source.

In summary, 20 Mule Team Borax is a versatile solution for controlling a range of insects, including wasps, cockroaches, bed bugs, and ants. Both boric acid and borax are natural and effective means of pest control. Boric acid is widely available, while borax can be found in most grocery or hardware stores, making them accessible options for your pest management needs.

Is 20 Mule Team Borax Similar to Borax?

When you hear the phrase “20 Mule Team” you’re most likely thinking of the borax brand.

Is 20 Mule Team Borax pure Borax?………

Borax is not the same thing as 20 Mule Team Borax.

Borax is a type of boric acid that contains 97% boron, and it’s mined from dried, ground-up ore deposits taken from an open-pit mine in California.

  • 20 Mule Team Borax, on the other hand, is made by evaporating salty water to make crystals which are then crushed into coarse powder for sale.
  • They may look similar but they’re chemically different compounds with different properties and uses in-home products.

Is 20 Mule Team Borax pure Borax?

The mineral Borax is found in the ground and mined by 20 Mule Team ®. The company combines this raw material with water to create 20 Mule Team Borax for consumer use.

Borax versus Boric Acid

Boric acid and borax are both chemicals that can be used to kill bed bugs. Borax is a natural mineral, while Boric Acid is made synthetically in labs and has more effective insecticidal properties than borax.

Boric acid usually comes as small crystals that are mixed with water before being sprayed or dusted onto surfaces where the insects live or travel such as furniture or carpets.

  • The mixture should not make contact with people’s skin because it may irritate some individuals’ skin causing mild rashes and burns on those who have sensitive skin.

There are many everyday uses for borax, which include;

  • Fertilizer
  • Hand soap
  • Detergent booster
  • Antacid
  • Removing difficult stains from fabrics and carpets.

On the other hand, boric acid is used in;

  • Insecticide or Pesticides
  • Paint and varnish remover.
  • Eye drops

On toxicity, both boric acid and borax are only toxic if ingested but are dangerous to kids and pets.

In the body, boric acid is converted to hydrochloric acid and absorbed by tissues while Borax reacts with stomach acids.

  • However, both substances can irritate the skin in high concentrations or when touched for a long period of time so it’s best to use gloves when applying these substances.
  • Both are used as antiseptics

How Does Boric Acid Work?

The most common use of boric acid is to make pesticides; you can get it in traps, powder form, liquid form, or tablet form.

  • Boric acid has insecticidal properties and ravages the exoskeletons absorb into their bodies, causing stomach poisoning, and interfering with the metabolism.

Boric acid is often the preferred pest control because its finer grain is more lethal to pests, and it has a nice taste (to the bugs).

The microscopic particles of boric acid can stick to pests when they come into contact, whether through a trap or by walking across it. And while cleaning themselves, they ingest the boric acid.

Boric acid is usually used in 5% concentration in traps. However, dust or finer powders incorporate 98-99% boric acid and are more effective at repelling insects.

Your Pest Control at Home

While boric acid is generally safe for humans to eat, it should be treated carefully and used only as bait or in pesticides.

Boric acid is often overlooked as a household pest control option. 20 Mule Team Borax for pest control is an excellent choice because it doesn’t leave behind residue, and has no odor.

  • One caveat is that if you have kids or pets in your home, you might want to either store these products on high shelves and behind closed doors or not use them at all.

Most pests can be treated by DIY pest control at first, but in order to solve the problem fully some will require professional help.


If you’re looking for an affordable and safe way to control common household pests, borax or boric acid is a very good choice.

  • So, can I use 20 Mule Team Borax for pest control? The answer to your question is: Yes. Boric acid is a chemical that can be used in place of pesticides and other harmful chemicals like lead paint or termiticides.

However, there are a lot of misunderstandings about boric acid and borax; some people can be mistaken on what substances they are and how they can aid your pest control.

I hope you’re able to use the information in this blog post to control pests where you live.

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