Do Spiders Poop

Do Spiders Poop? Spider Droppings and Feces

Most of us fear spiders (unless it’s a pet spider) because their spider bites are largely poisonous

  • So, if any homeowner sees some insect poop around the house, they worry that they could have spiders around. 

But, do spiders poop? Yes, after feeding and digestion happen, spiders will poop to release their body’s waste. The spider poop will be the size of a pinhead (thick liquid) and they have a gray, black, brown, or white color. 

  • After drying, the spider poop may stain the surface, the floor, and the walls. 

Do Spiders Poop? Spider Droppings and Feces

As summarized above, spiders will poop  (just like other animals) after eating their popular food; which is the tiny insects. The poop they release is simply body waste. 

  • But spiders feed on tiny insects and they don’t poop as often as large animals like mammals – which means that you might not catch the spiders in action releasing their body waste. 

The metabolic rate of spiders (like the tarantula) is quite slow and thus they’re able to feed on the tiny insects but will defecate a few times in a given time. 

  • Some of these spider species may feed just once a month and thus with a slow metabolic rate, they’ll require less eating and thus lesser pooping. 

On structure and size, spider poop is comparable to bird poop – but on color, it’s white (when wet) but will turn to light-brown or cream after drying. 

What’s the Shape, Size, and Color of Spider Poop?

As noted above, spider poop will look something close to the shape, size, and color of the bird’s poop – but smaller in size.

  • Spiders’ poop will have black stains but whitish in color when it’s wet – white liquid. 

The spider poop stains are anything around 1/16 inch to 1/8 inch in their diameter. However, once dried, the spider poop will turn black, light brown, or grey. 

  • However, the shape, size, and color of the spider poop will be different depending on the spider species.

For context, some spider species that are large-sized such as the tarantula produce poop that is large – the poop is also less viscous but very water – and hence it tends to dry faster.

Locations to check for Spider Poop 

So, which exact locations will you find the spider poop around the house or in the yard? 

  • First, note that you’ll mainly find the spider poop around the areas that the spiders will frequent. 

Notably, the spiders will make their webs and poop around places that have less traffic such as the corners of the garage, ceiling, under the sink, cabinets, garage, and house. 

  • You can also find the spider pop on surfaces such as skirting boards, windowsills, floors, and walls. 

The Tarantulas poop will mainly be dropped on walls and glass in their boxed enclosure. 

  • However, the arboreal tarantulas will love to drop their waste in places such as an enclosure door while other species like the water bowls. 

Because these places have less traffic, the spider will settle in the locations so that their insect traps won’t be disturbed. Thus, you’re likely to get more spider poop here. 

Spider poop is largely liquid and viscous in nature since it’s made up of spider poop mixed with its pee – which is actually uric acid. 

  • However, spider webs will be created from silk – which is largely protein-based and produced from the silk glands of the spider.

Compared to the spider poo that’s mainly undigested food materials that are released from the spider’s anus, spider silk is released from the spinnerets that are also around the insect’s anus.

How Many Times Will Spiders Poop? 

Spiders have different rates and times of releasing their poop depending on the species. Some species that can show the difference in pooping are the jumping spider and the tarantula.

  • As outlined, spiders with slow metabolism rates will definitely excrete less often and thus you’ll find less spider poop in their hiding areas.

For example, there are spider species that’ll poop once a day or even in a month – this may vary with the spider’s health, their living conditions, and availability of small insects for their food.

  • Another fun fact is that spider may use their poop to keep off their predators – mainly because the spider poop has a pungent smell that wades off other animals.

How Safe is Spider Poop? Toxic?

Bites from some common spiders tend to be venomous mainly due to the antimicrobials in their blood and venom but are spider poop toxic? Well, simply stated spider poop is never toxic. 

But it has been reported that poop from the Black Widow may bring pathogenic bacteria if it is eaten by flies.

  • Despite that spider ear insects like flies, most of their poop is non-toxic.
  • Otherwise, they would transmit pathogens such as Streptococcus spp, Staphylococcus spp, Enterococcus spp, or Salmonella spp.

Notably, the antimicrobial cap[abilities that are normally in the venom of a spider are often removed by the poop’s bacterias.

How to Clean or Remove the Spider Poop 

To clean the spider droppings, you’ll require just some paper towel, cloth, and some water. 

  • But it’s best you clean the spider poop very soon because delay may make it leave some yellow stain on the fabric. 

But if the spider poop leaves a prominent yellow stain, you can remove it with some aggressive stain cleaners or removers. 

  • The poop from tarantulas spiders could be challenging to clean largely because their droppings may be cluttered. 

I suggest you use some long tweezers or tongs to hold the clothe or wet tissue that has been dipped into some water. 


Further, the spider poop will also be dropped tother with a “bolus” – I can describe this as the web and part of the flesh of the tiny insects like bed bugs that the spider ate.