Orbiter Swing-N-Slide Swing Set

Orbiter Swing-N-Slide is a more massive playset compared to other regular options. However, the playset offers superior quality play options at a reasonable price.

Best Swing Set for Older Kids

The swing set will have an extensive 5-year warranty for the posts covered with WoodGuard, hardware, and swings. Read Also: Outdoor Playsets for Toddlers

Orbiter Swing-N-Slide Swing Set

Wood Construction

The swing set has wood construction that is superior or swig set compared to the metal construction. Further, some parts are made from strong plastic such as swings and slide.

It is considered to be a more straightforward option in its class. The budget favorable swing set is designed to be low maintenance due to its uniquely created Woodguard posts. Read Also: Best Stain For Cedar Swing Set

Ease of installation

The set is easy to install, requiring an average of 3 hours to complete the whole process. For ease of installation and durability, the swing set comes with small predrilled holes and has anchors.

Further, the company provides an easy to follow Orbiter Swing-N-Slide installation guide. The swing set will support a swing arc that is higher since it is 7 foot High. Read Also: Swing Sets for Small Backyards.

Safety and fun Consideration

It has an A-frame bracket, trapeze- ring bar combination, and two swings, all of which satisfy the ASTM safety standards. Therefore, your kids will quickly soar, flip, and hang while not endangering their selves.

It has intense beams and posts that are protected from weathering using plastic. Also, the swing chains are covered to reduce the chances of injury through hurting.

The set can entertain three kids at the same time, ranging from toddlers to about ten years. Further, every swing set can only carry about 115 lbs. 

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No one is too old to try as a swing set for maximum fun. It has weather-resistant posts and is fully lumber created. Further, it has metal joints that are powder-coated and thus will maintain its shape and form or much longer.


  • Ease of assembly
  • Low maintenance costs
  • 113 Inches by 96 Inches by 84 Inches
  • Built rom quality materials
  • Durable and strong
  • Woodgaurd system increases durability.


  • Swing styles are few.

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