Winterizing Trampoline Important Tips

Just because its winter, should you put away your trampoline and lock yourself and kids indoors? should you stop Winterizing Trampoline? Winterizing Trampoline Important Tips

Well, I don’t think so. Winter is a perfect time to jump and exercise on your trampoline as they provide the best workout activity for kids and parents.

They help the body get warmed up in the cold season, thus improving the health outcomes of everyone involved. Those who will prefer to store their trampoline away until it’s sunny again will also get covered in this guide. Read Also:  Swing Sets for Small Yards

Winterizing Trampoline Important Tips

If you intend to use your trampoline during winter, there are a few things you need to be doing to keep your structure in excellent condition. First, you need to use a broom or soft brush to get rid of leaves, debris, and snow.

As we know, snow is quite heavy, and if left on top of the trampoline it can easily overstretch the springs and mat, causing unintended injuries when one jumps on it.

Note: Do not use a shovel to take off snow or debris on your trampoline; it can destroy the mat of your structure. Read Also: Stain For Cedar Swing Set.

Manufacture’s Guide – Another thing you need to do, is to go through the manufacturer’s guide and confirm weather, your trampoline can remain outside during the winter period.

As we’ve discussed, most trampoline frames are made using rust-resistant materials. However, some are not, and leaving them outside will make them get damaged.

Also, some mats can withstand harsh weather conditions better compared to others. Just go through the manual and get informed about your trampoline.

Anchoring Your Trampoline is another thing that you must seriously consider if you reside in those areas that experience extreme weather conditions.

Ensure that your structure is well-rooted and protected from the weather. You may even decide to keep your trampoline away if the winter months are too harsh in your area.

If you are storing your trampoline during winter, keep it in a dry, cool place. If you don’t have enough space for storing the trampoline, and you don’t want it being used during winter, you need to buy a trampoline weather cover, to ensure topmost protection to your structure.

A trampoline that is appropriately covered can stay standing in your backyard throughout the winter period. Further, it is protected from severe weather conditions, dirt, or even debris.

If you are unable to purchase the trampoline cover, you can detach the springs and mat and keep them in your storeroom during winter. You can leave the frame standing outside. Most trampoline frames can withstand harsh weather conditions as they are made using the rust-resistant material.

If you decide to disassemble your structure, please ensure you keep the springs and the mat in a cool place, away from rodent infestation. Read Also: Swing Set Under 200.

Also, make sure you properly oil your springs before you reassemble them back on the frame. Clearing all debris and snow on a constant basis is crucial for the durability of the trampoline and safety of jumpers!

If you are planning to use your trampoline during winter (which we highly recommend) we’ve highlighted some of the actions or steps you need take to secure your trampoline. 

The sad thing is that this damage usually is not detected early, and once an individual jumps on it, they fall through the mat on to the ground causing severe injuries to the person. Read Also: Stain For Swing Set.


The key to having a fun and safe jump during winter or any other time is to ensure you do regular maintenance. Note that, not all trampolines can withstand harsh weather. So it’s up to you to make the right decision for your investment.

You should not be overwhelmed, go through this guide, and learn how to winterize your trampoline correctly. Always remember, Heavy snow can do significant damage to the trampoline’s mat. If it’s left for an extended period, it freezes and damages the jumping surface.

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