How Many Box Jumps Should I Do?

How Many Box Jumps Should I Do? well, It depends on your strength and goals.

  • Thus, for cardio endurance, you can do 4 sets of 20 reps with 60 seconds of rest in between.
  • Conversely, you can do 5 sets of 5 reps for power and strength using a higher box jump.

If you’re new to box jumping or just want to increase or enhance the level of your jumps, you might wonder how many boxes jumps you need to do to attain the best results.

So, How Many Box Jumps Should I Do? You Might be Wondering

Well, I will answer this question in two dimensions. First, if you’re doing Box Jumps to improve your cardio endurance and lose fat you need to do at least 4 sets of 20 reps using a lower box. Rest for about 60 seconds then continue. The key here is to listen to your body and stop whenever you need to.

Secondly, if your intention is to build power and overall body strength, you’ll need to focus on quality over quantity. Do at least 5 sets of 5 reps using a higher box. Rest for 1to 3 minutes. If you feel strong enough push it a little further, but don’t overdo it.

Related: Best Shoes for Box Jumps

What You Need To Know About Box Jumps

Box jumps require a lot of concentration and coordination to perform them correctly. You’ll need to engage your lower body and the core to attain a better jump.

Ensure that you include box jumps at the beginning of your workout routines. If possible, after you warm up you can start with box jumps. This way you avoid being excessively fatigued before jumping. This strategy enhances your safety.

Simple Tips for Beginner Box Jumps

As a beginner, you need to take box jumps slowly, go at your own pace, and eventually, you’ll see success. I coach both men and women at the gym through various exercises including box jumps.

Most of those that I have trained have acquired the required skills for jumping, but they didn’t start that way. Just like lifting, jumping is a skill that you can easily work on and perfect. You need to practice and train more and eventually, you’ll see success.

Of course, most beginners are scared to death when it comes to box jumps. Thus, I will walk you through some crucial tips you need to keep in mind as a beginner in box jumps.

Tips to Improve Beginner Box Jumps

1. Don’t Be Afraid

I had a client, who really struggled with jumps, she was so afraid of jumping. Her body was so stiff. She couldn’t jump properly. Nevertheless, with patience and practice, she did better over time.

While jumping it’s crucial that you relax. Relax your arms, let them move unrestrictedly, and then take a nice relaxed jump.

Avoid being stiff and don’t clench or make fists with your hands. These actions will work against you, just relax and let everything flow.

2. Land Softly

It’s crucial that you practice landing from the box softly. Soft landing allows the legs to absorb your weight. Therefore, before starting your jumping exercises you can build your strength by doing deadlifts, squats, amok other workouts.

Strength and mobility are important foundations for your box jumping exercises.

Also Read: Best Shoes for Plyometrics

3. Start with a Low height Box

Patience is key when it comes to learning or even progressing in your box jumps techniques. Therefore, you can start with a low-height box before progressing to higher heights. 12- to 24-inches will do for a beginner. Don’t be embarrassed to start low we all have to start somewhere.

Ensure that you adopt a good jumping form and technique. We’ll talk about the best jumping form and technique later on in this article.

How Often Should Athletes Do Jump Training

2-3 box jumps per week

If you’re wondering how often athletes should do jump training, then this section is for you.

As an athlete, you’ll need to do 2-3 box jumps training per week. This is crucial because you’ll give your body and the nervous system enough time to recover.

Overdoing the box jumps may cause joint stress plus other serious injuries to your body. Don’t tax your body a lot.

Besides, a study comparing between low- moderate- and high- levels jump has revealed that overdoing the jumps may not bring in the desired results.

This study advocates doing better jumps and at a Moderate-frequency i.e. 2-3 jumps per week. You don’t need to perform higher frequency jumps per week to attain positive results. If you do this, you’ll cause unnecessary stress to your joints and the body won’t have enough recovery time.

How many sets and reps of box jumps should I do?

If you’re a beginner in box jumps you can start with a set of 5 with 5–10 reps. Rest for 60 seconds between sets to give your body time to recover before you take on the next rep. However, listen to your body and stop if you need to.

Rules for Better Box Jumps

Just like other workout routines, box jumps are a great workout alternative that you can engage in at the gym. However, it’s crucial that you do the jumps correctly to avoid injuries. If it’s your first time jumping go easy on yourself and follow the rules.

So, what are the Rules for better box jumps?

1. Practice Landing

The correct landing will help you avoid stress on joints or the lower back. If this is your first time doing box jumps, don’t let fear hold you back. You need to build on your confidence by doing progression exercises.

First, you can step onto the box then step down. Continue doing this process until you feel comfortable enough with the movements.

Next, incorporate your arms; let them swing freely as you step up the box. You’ll notice that your coordination has improved and you’re ready for your first jump.

2. Develop Correct Squatting Posture

If you do squats correctly and you’re comfortable doing them, then you’re highly likely to perform well in box jumps.

However, if you are not good at squats you can practice. Check your form while squatting. Ensure your hips and knees are bends and your weight is in your heels. Chest out, then squat.

While doing box jumps avoid dropping into deep squat positions. Deep squatting may make jumping difficult. Instead, drop into a snap position before jumping. Hips should be above the knees. Knees should remain stable and apart.

3. Start With a Low Box Height

Start with a low-height box before advancing to the higher ones. Master the art of effective jumping first to avoid getting injuries.

Don’t feel intimidated when you see others exercising on a 50-inch box or a height higher than the one you’re currently using. Everyone has his or her own fitness journey, as you must start somewhere.

4. Best box jump height for beginners

6 inches box height is ideal for a beginner box jumper. If you feel strong you can go a bit higher and start at 12 inches.

Athletes who are new to box jumping need to use low-height boxes for their exercise. As you master the art of box jumping, you can progress with the height. Avoid progressing to a higher box if you still can’t attain a set of 5 good jumps on the low box you’re using.

Box jump alternative

The best alternative to box jumps include

  • Jump Squat
  • Step-Ups
  • Squat Push-Press
  • Hex Bar Deadlift Also known as trap bar deadlifts
  • Barbell Squat
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