Are Mole Crickets bad for your Garden or Lawn

Are Mole Crickets bad for your Garden or Lawn?

If you’re concerned about the well-being of your garden or lawn and whether mole crickets might be causing harm, this comprehensive guide will provide you with a thorough understanding of the impact of mole crickets on your green spaces.

We’ll delve into their habits, the telltale signs of their presence, and effective measures to safeguard your garden or lawn from these subterranean pests.

Unveiling Mole Crickets

Meet the Mole Crickets: Mole crickets, belonging to the family Gryllotalpidae, are intriguing nocturnal insects known for their subterranean lifestyle.

Equipped with specialized front legs designed for digging, they effortlessly navigate through soil. Sources: University of Florida – Mole Crickets

Mole crickets come in various species, with the most common ones being the northern mole cricket (Scapteriscus borellii) and the southern mole cricket (Scapteriscus acletus). While their appearance may vary slightly, their behavior and the damage they cause are relatively consistent.

Assessing the Impact of Mole Crickets

Lawn in Distress: Mole crickets are infamous for causing chaos in lawns. Their voracious appetite for plant roots results in discolored patches, stunted grass growth, and overall lawn weakness.

The damage inflicted by mole crickets often resembles the appearance of drought stress, making it challenging to identify the root cause.

Lawns with mole cricket infestations may exhibit uneven patches of yellowing or wilting grass. These areas may be particularly susceptible to drought conditions due to the reduced root system caused by mole cricket feeding.

Garden Troubles: In gardens, mole crickets can wreak havoc on the roots of various plants, compromising their overall health and productivity. Vegetable gardens, flower beds, and ornamental plantings are all vulnerable.

Mole crickets are omnivorous, meaning they feed on both plant material and other small insects. This opportunistic behavior can lead to damage not only to the plant roots but also to the ecosystem within your garden. When they consume beneficial insects, it can disrupt the natural balance and lead to pest outbreaks.

Soil Disruption: Beyond their feeding habits, the tunneling behavior of mole crickets can lead to soil erosion and destabilize the ground, further jeopardizing the well-being of your garden or lawn.

Mole crickets create tunnels in the soil as they move about, leaving behind a network of channels. This tunneling can interfere with the root system of plants, making it difficult for them to access water and nutrients. Additionally, the tunnels can become pathways for water to run off, leading to soil erosion and compaction.

Identifying Mole Cricket Damage

Wilting and Yellowing: Keep a keen eye out for areas in your garden or lawn displaying wilting grass or yellowing vegetation. These are classic indications of mole cricket-induced damage.

To identify mole cricket damage, observe your lawn or garden closely. If you notice areas where the grass or plants appear wilted, yellowed, or stunted in growth, there’s a possibility of mole cricket infestation. These symptoms often occur in irregular patches, making them stand out from the healthy surrounding areas.

Telltale Tunnels: Examine your soil for mole cricket tunnels, which manifest as raised, irregular ridges on the surface. These tunnels serve as clear evidence of their subterranean activities.

  • Mole cricket tunnels are distinct and relatively easy to spot once you know what to look for. These tunnels appear as raised, winding ridges on the surface of your lawn or garden beds.
  • They can be especially noticeable after heavy rains or irrigation when the soil becomes saturated and the tunnels rise closer to the surface.

Nighttime Sightings: Since mole crickets are nocturnal, conducting nighttime inspections with a flashlight can reveal their presence as they surface to feed.

To confirm the presence of mole crickets, you can conduct nighttime inspections. Armed with a flashlight, venture into your lawn or garden after dark. Mole crickets emerge from their tunnels to forage for food during the night, and with a little patience, you might spot them on the prowl.

Sources: University of Georgia – Mole Cricket Biology and Management

The Impact on Golf Courses

Mole crickets are not just a concern for residential lawns and gardens; they can also wreak havoc on golf courses. Golf course superintendents often grapple with mole cricket infestations, as these pests can disrupt the pristine putting greens and fairways, leading to costly repairs and maintenance.

  • Mole cricket damage on golf courses can manifest as irregular patches of yellowing or dead grass. These unsightly areas not only affect the playability of the course but also tarnish its aesthetic appeal.

In some cases, the tunneling behavior of mole crickets can create hazardous conditions for golfers, particularly when the ground becomes uneven and unstable.

Safeguarding Your Garden or Lawn from Mole Crickets

Harnessing Natural Predators: Encourage the presence of natural predators like birds and armadillos, which feed on mole crickets and assist in population control.

  • One eco-friendly approach to mole cricket control is to create an environment that attracts their natural predators. Birds, such as robins and grackles, are known to feed on mole crickets.

To attract these birds to your garden or lawn, consider providing water sources and maintaining bird-friendly habitats. Similarly, armadillos are effective mole cricket hunters, so creating inviting conditions for these creatures can help keep mole cricket populations in check.

Strategic Chemical Treatments: In cases of severe infestations, consider applying insecticides designed specifically for mole cricket control. Precise application is critical for optimal effectiveness.

When natural control methods prove insufficient, chemical treatments may be necessary. Insecticides formulated for mole cricket control can effectively reduce their numbers. It’s essential to follow application instructions carefully, as timing and technique are crucial for successful results while minimizing environmental impact.

Embracing Cultural Practices: Adopt healthy garden or lawn practices, including regular mowing, proper irrigation, and soil aeration, to deter mole crickets. A healthy garden or lawn is less inviting to these destructive pests.

Maintaining a healthy garden or lawn is your first line of defense against mole crickets. Implement the following cultural practices to create an environment less conducive to mole cricket infestations:

  • Regular Mowing: Keep your grass at the recommended height for its species. Mole crickets prefer tall, lush grass, so maintaining a shorter lawn can deter them.
  • Proper Irrigation: Avoid overwatering, as excessively moist soil can attract mole crickets. Water deeply and infrequently rather than shallow and frequent irrigation.
  • Soil Aeration: Aerating your soil can improve its health and reduce mole cricket habitat. Aeration enhances root growth and drainage while making it less appealing to these pests.
  • Reducing Excess Organic Matter: Mole crickets thrive in soil rich in organic matter. Minimize thatch buildup and excessive mulch in your garden or lawn.

Sources: University of Florida – Mole Cricket Control

Frequently Asked Questions 

Can Mole Crickets Harm Humans or Pets?

Rest assured, mole crickets are primarily plant pests and do not pose direct health risks to humans or pets. They are not known to bite, sting, or transmit diseases.

What Are Some Organic Control Methods for Mole Crickets?

Embrace environmentally friendly control methods such as introducing nematodes that parasitize mole cricket larvae, utilizing beneficial nematodes, or applying neem oil to naturally deter mole crickets.

  • Beneficial Nematodes: These microscopic organisms parasitize mole cricket larvae, effectively reducing their populations. Beneficial nematodes can be applied to the soil and are a safe and non-toxic control method.
  • Neem Oil: Neem oil is a natural pesticide derived from the neem tree. It can deter mole crickets and disrupt their feeding behavior. Dilute neem oil according to the instructions and apply it to affected areas. 

How Can I Assess the Extent of Mole Cricket Damage?

To gauge the extent of mole cricket damage, meticulously inspect your lawn or garden for areas exhibiting wilted grass, yellowing plants, and mole cricket tunnels. Nighttime inspections may also unveil their presence.


Mole crickets can undoubtedly pose a threat to your garden or lawn, causing visible damage and undermining the overall health of your green spaces.

  • Recognizing the signs of mole cricket infestation and implementing appropriate control measures are vital steps to preserve the beauty and vitality of your cherished outdoor areas.
  • Whether you choose to harness natural predators, employ strategic chemical treatments, or adopt sound gardening practices, proactive steps can effectively shield your garden or lawn from the potential harm inflicted by these subterranean invaders.

By understanding their habits and taking action, you can maintain a thriving and resilient outdoor environment for years to come.

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