Best Bass Amps for Metal

7 Best Bass Amps for Metal 2024

If you are a hard rock or heavy metal enthusiast, then you will need special attention when choosing the best bass amps for the metal to achieve the top-quality sound. Best Bass Amps for Metal

Typically, this type of music is associated with deep bass sound, which often blows off most amplifiers. In this regard, consider a potent amp that will handle both hard and soft rock music effectively without overwhelming the amplifier.

Features such as power rating, control options, sound filters, compatibility as well as cost should be prioritized. Read Also: bass amps for small gigs. So, let’s get into the details.

Reviews: Top 7 Best Bass Amps for Metal in 2024

1. Hughes & Kettner GM40DH GrandMeister Deluxe 40

Hughes & Kettner is a classic bass amp for metal that features top-quality sound control circuitry, which delivers continuous quality music without fatigue. The product is specially designed with an impressive digital tube head for easier signal control.

Best Bass Amps for Metal Current Price On Amazon

Hughes & Kettner’s TubeMeister range is firmly fitted and coupled with internal Wi-Fi for editing purposes. This bass amp comes with a dizzying array of Perspex control panel, which entails nine ultra-fine control knobs and a 4-way rotary switch for voice filter.

Moreover, Hughes & Kettner is manufactured using tough steel cabinet (durable) and compact portable design that makes it easier to carry along. Indeed, this bass amp features a built-in five-step attenuator that effective couples with effect loop series to improve sound control during playback.

You will enjoy optional preset sound control to meet your demands by use of a full range master volume while the inbuilt digital effects further boost the sound quality. The gain is nicely synchronized with the resonance control knob in order to support simultaneous sound control during live performance or recording.

Importantly, this bass amp comes with best quality EQ (bass, mid and treble) and standby pedal switch that creates incredible play back music control. More so, the balanced output pairs perfectly with other electronic devices.


  • Strong steel cabinet and impressive design
  • Top quality sound circuitry and digital effect loops
  • Incredible Equalizers- bass, treble and MIDI
  • Compacted design and highly portable
  • Balanced output and classic pedal switch – play and mute mode
  • Built-in five-step attenuator and Perplex control panel
  • 4-way rotary switch and internal Wi-Fi connectivity –for editing


  • Slightly expensive
  • Special training needed

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2. PRS Paul Reed Smith MT15 Mark Tremonti Signature

PRS MT 15 Mark is a special grade hard rock and metal amp, which is manufactured with dedicated 5-stage gain and classic effects loop series to ensure top quality sound achievement during live performance.

PRS Paul Reed Smith MT15 Mark Tremonti Signature Current Price On Amazon

The bass amp comes with an impressive standby and power pedal switch that support easier engagement during performance.

The tough self-hardened framework nicely secures internal components and prevents overheating. Moreover, this power amp is fitted with an anti-slip base support, which prevents skidding due to sound vibration during live music playback.

PRS MT comes with traditional clean-up channels, which have independent control volume to achieve the best sound filter without sacrificing resonance quality. The full range master channel is perfectly paired with lead equalizers for excellent hum regulation while the Presence rotary knob is independently fixed to support overall sound quality control.

Notably the 6L6 Power Tubes are impressively paired with switchable 15/7 watts option while the adjustable/fixed bias is easily accessible from back panel.


  • Dedicated 5-stage gain and classic effects loop
  • Switchable 15/7 watts option and adjustable/fixed bias
  • Wide range master volume and independent clean channel
  • Sturdy cabinet and inbuilt safety fuse
  • Incredible bass sound circuitry and effects loop
  • Anti-slip base support and standby pedal switch
  • Balance output and highly-portable


  • No reverb onboard
  • Control knobs not backlit

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3. Peavey invective.120 Guitar Amp Head

Peavey invective is an impressive bass amp for metal that features 3-classic channels, which render independent sonic-range quality sound. The bass amp claims deep jazz tone to flawless musical tone that is effectively filtered by use of simple onboard post and pre gain control.

Peavey invective.120 Guitar Amp Head Current Price On Amazon

Actually, this power amp comes with dedicated clutch and lead EQ (low, mid and high) and an independent clean panel, which clears hums effectively without causing internal shock during live performance. In fact, the threshold and drive channels are perfectly fixed (independent) to support preferential sound control in a particular channel during your indoor gigs.

Peavey Invective comes with impressive LED indicators that are nicely paired to each control knob in the panel. The full range of master volume pairs effectively with resonance and presence control knobs to allow optional sound control to meet your performance demands.

Moreover, the standby and stop pedal switches are nicely paired to LED indicator (control visibility), while the two switchable effects loop excellently control sound quality leaving behind deep bass resonance.

Importantly, Peavey is budget friendly and cheaper to maintain. It comes with a single mount handle to ease portability.


  • Classic standby and stop pedal switch – LED powered
  • Self-hardened cabinet and highly portable
  • Compacted design and stable base support
  • Independent resonance and presence control knobs
  • Dedicated clutch and lead EQ – Paired to LED
  • 2 switchable effects and wide range master volume
  • Flawless musical tone and sonic-range sound quality


  • Lacks onboard compressor
  • Slightly heavy

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4. EVH 5150 III 50W 6L6 – Head Amp

EVH 5150 III is a sturdy bass amp for metal that features a dedicated inbuilt sound drive circuitry, which claims to deliver continuous sound signals without being fatigued. The bass amp is manufactured using a tough self-hardened cabinet that nicely secures internal components and reduced overheating occurrences.

EVH 5150 III 50W 6L6 - Head Amp Current Price On Amazon

This power amps seats nicely without skidding (has tough base support) during a live performance and comes with a reliable single line input. Also, EVH entails a beautiful compacted design that will attract you and easier to carry (portable).

The reliable 3-channeled tubes effectively amplify sound waves while the selectable impedances support overload control. Indeed, this bass amp comes with a balanced line out and supports live performance or recording nicely.

You’ll smoothly tune this power amp to your desired peak sound using the comprehensive range master volume. At the same time, the dedicated gain control sieves the amplified sound perfectly without sacrificing the bass resonance.

Moreover, EVH features classic effects loop and independent presence knob, which filters excess hums generated during live performance. Further, you can engage standby mode during a performance or intermittently cancel sound signals by use of a classic pedal switch that kills signal instantly upon application.

Importantly, EVH won’t weigh you down financially and is simple to set up.


  • Sturdy casing and simple foot switch
  • Selectable impedance and 3-channel tubes
  • Balanced line out and impressive sound quality
  • Compacted design and deep bass sound
  • Wide range master volume and incredible gain control
  • Independent presence knob and classic effects loop
  • Budget friendly and low maintenance cost
  • Tough bass support and internal safety fuse


  • Lacks onboard compressor
  • Control knob not backlit

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5. Marshall Amps Guitar Combo Amplifier

Marshall is a top quality bass amp for metal that claims superior sound control during live performance by help of dedicated in built sound circuitry. This product comes with adjustable and option sound pick-ups that guarantees you a 100% sound control.

Marshall Amps Guitar Combo Amplifier Current Price On Amazon

Actually, Marshall delivers ultra-fine sound signal that is rendered through a reliable balanced output. Moreover, the heavy frame geometry not only secures this power amp’s internal components nicely but also makes it very attractive.

As a hard rock enthusiast, you will definitely enjoy a continuous deep bass resonance that is actively filtered by a dedicated gain control without sacrificing finite sound quality. In addition, Marshall is fitted with an internal safety switch that works in high thermal overload without fatigue.

The simple kick switch powers this bass amp nicely while positive effects loop series perfectly pair with full range master volume for optional peak sound control during live performance or recording. Marshall claims market legacy for a couple of years due to its broad spectrum of quality sound deliveries and simple signal tune knob, which smooth cancel hums without causing abnormal internal shocks during live playback.

Importantly, Marshall is cheap to maintain and comes with independent control volume for each channel.


  • Dedicated reverb for high and low power setting
  • Rugged sturdy cabinet and independent volume per channel
  • Extra powerful amp and top quality sound
  • Soft tube output and dedicated gain resonance control
  • Tough base support and deep bass sound resonance
  • Impressive design and balanced output
  • Wide range master volume and inbuilt safety switch


  • Slightly heavy
  • Requires presetting skills

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6. Orange Amplification Brent Hinds Terror Signature 15

Orange Brent Terror is an extra powerful bass amp signature that utilizes finite sound technology to achieve maximum quality sound during live performance.

Orange Amplification Brent Hinds Terror Signature 15 Current Price On Amazon

In fact, this product is constructed using sturdy casing that secures the heat resistive internal components perfectly and improves airflow needed to dissipate excess internal heat generated.

Orange Terror comes fitted with an anti-slip base support, which prevents skidding during the live performance due to high sound vibration. Moreover, this bass amp is lightweight and highly portable – you only need to hold on the finely fitted handle single-handed.

Orange Terror comes with simple, instant action pedal switch (power, stands, and natural), which efficiently cancels sound signals during live playback at will. Indeed, this bass amp comes with buffered effects loop series that nicely interfere with sound signals to achieve deep bass resonance in the playroom.

Furthermore, this power amp comes with a dedicated, internally built safety switch that effectively performs without fatigue in a high thermal overload environment. Terror also entails a natural/dirty sound engagement knob and switchable power output.

Notably, Orange Terror is budget friendly and consumes very little power.


  • Instant action pedal switch and switchable power output
  • Strong casing and ample base support – no slipping
  • Terror natural sound and dirty sound knob
  • Dual power valves and impressive design
  • Highly portable and lightweight
  • Buffered effects loop and internal safety switch
  • Low power consumption and budget-friendly


  • Limited control panel
  • Lacks EQ signal indicator

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If you have to enjoy continuous deep bass resonance without failure, choosing the best bass amps for metal is the first move you need to take.

Before you settle on the amp of your choice, consider the amp’s features such as power rating, nature of output signal, safety options, signal control modes, break switches available, as well as the range of master volume.