What Do Opossums Eat? 9 Diet Facts

Opossums are omnivores, meaning that they eat both plants and animals – like humans. But really, what do opossums eat? Opossums need a balanced diet of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates to maintain good health. A natural diet for an opossum would be lots of insects (insects are high in protein), small mammals (high in fat), […]

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What Animals Eat Cockroaches

What Animals Eat Cockroaches? Predators

There are some know cockroach predators that can help you keep off those chemical roach killers and also cut on the pest control costs.  On what animals eat cockroaches; they include some reptiles, amphibians, avians, and mammals – including rats, bearded dragons, leopard geckos, frogs, and toads. Other animals include mice, skinks, parasitoid wasps, hedgehogs, some

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Do Geckos Eat Bed Bugs

Do Geckos Eat Bed Bugs?

Below I answer this question – do geckos eat bed bugs or what can you use to exterminate the bugs. So, will lizards help exterminate the bed bugs? In summary, do lizards eat bed bugs? Yes, lizards (particularly geckos or house lizards) will kill bed bugs – but won’t be an effective pest control remedy. 

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Do Ants Kill Bed Bugs

Do Ants Kill Bed Bugs??

Most bed bug killers may not work and are expensive – but you can use natural treatments such as pests. So, below we answer this question – do ants kill bed bugs?  In summary, ants (among other insects) such as the red-imported fire and pharaoh ant species predate and kill bed bugs. But exterminators also

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