
Do Gnats Bite Humans

Do Gnats Bite Humans?

Gnat bite transmits diseases such as carrison, sandy fever, and river blindness among others. Therefore, preventive measures should be undertaken whatsoever. So, can gnats bite really! How and why, if so? Well, YES! the female gnats will bite humans & animals (to feed on blood). But male gnats don’t bite humans since they feed on

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Why Are Ants Attracted to Sperm

Why Are Ants Attracted to Sperm?

Ants, those tiny yet industrious creatures, seem to have a peculiar penchant for some rather unexpected substances. One such substance that has raised eyebrows and piqued curiosity is human sperm. The Sweet Attraction: Sperm and Sugar – At first glance, the idea of ants being drawn to sperm may seem perplexing. However, the key to understanding

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Natural Termite Control

Top 7 Natural Termite Control Methods

In this article, I will discuss how to naturally control (compared to other termite treatments) and eliminate termites without hiring a professional. Termites have been reported to cause massive damage to buildings each year. As a result, expensive rebuilding is done to repair their damage. However, if you suspect a termite infestation, don’t panic.  [amazon

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