Does Lysol Kill Bed Bugs and Their Eggs?

Lysol is a disinfectant that kills germs, fungi, viruses, and bacteria on different surfaces.

But, does Lysol kill bed bugs, including their eggs? So, in summary, does Lysol make for an effective pesticide for bed bugs?

  • Lysol will only kill bed bugs when your spray it on the bugs directly – drowning the bed bugs. Lysol is mainly a cleaning agent.
  • So, Lysol is unlikely to kill bed bugs (contrast this to Bleach), but an exterminator can provide a more thorough and effective solution such as heat treatment.

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What Kills Bed Bugs?

Before we tackle the Lysol question, people typically use a number of chemicals when they’re looking for a pesticide to kill bed bugs.

To kill bed bugs fast, I recommend you use any one of the following: heat (steamers) or pesticides.

  • Lysol will only kill bed bugs if you spray and drown them directly with it. But bed bugs will escape contact with humans by hiding and thus spraying is challenging. 
  • Since Lysol is not an effective bed bug pesticide, I recommend using pyrethrin pesticides of your contact an exterminator to start a more robust pest removal program.

Primary Pesticide ingredients?

Most bed bug pesticides are made of desiccants, pyrethroids, and pyrethrin.

  1. Desiccants such as bed bug powders, are designed to dehydrates and kill the bugs by destroying their waxy exoskeleton.
  2. Pyrethroids for bed bugs work are synthetic pyrethrin created from chrysanthemums. They’re designed to chemically penetrate the waxy exoskeleton, dehydrates them, and damages their nervous system.

What is Lysol Spray? Ingredients? Does Lysol Kill Bed Bugs?

Now that we’ve discussed what scientists typically recommend, let’s explore if Lysol kills all bed bugs and their eggs.

Lysol’s Ingredients

Lysol is a liquid cleaner for floors like concrete and wooden floors, in the bathroom, and also on couches.

Lysol is chemically 80% ethanol, but here are all its other ingredients:

  1. Benzalkonium chloride (0.01 – 5%)
  2. ‘Free line’ Hydrogen peroxide
  3. Lactic Acid
  4. Isopropyl Alcohol, a synthetic non-volatile solvent.

The ingredients in Lysol are sanitizing and disinfecting agents that’ll kill germs and bacteria; but are not suitable for attracting and exterminate bed bugs and other insects.


  • Lysol is not designed to kill bed bugs and other insects – its for cleaning and sanitizing surfaces – and not an insect killing agent.
  • Similarly, pesticides such as pyrethroids cannot be used for cleaning because they are specifically designed to exterminate bugs.

Related: Can Ammonia Kill Bed Bugs?

Does Lysol kill bed bugs eggs?

Short answer, NO!

  • Lysol won’t kill bed bug eggs. Lysol may only drown the eggs as they have a protective cover or exoskeleton, making it unreachable until they hatch to become pupae and larvae.

The eggs will hatch in a few weeks and then adults will come out. They’ll make more eggs, too.

But to drown the bed bugs eggs:

  • Spray Lysol indiscriminately on surfaces to kill any living eggs while also disinfecting furniture, cracks and frames where bed bugs typically hide.

There are many ways of killing bed bugs.

One of the drawbacks for using Lysol to kill bed bugs is that it doesn’t work very well on eggs.

The eggs provide a protective surrounding, allowing the egg to survive until they are ready to be born into the world.

  • Fortunately, heat treatment offers a good solution to eliminate bed bug eggs, if you exceed the allowable temperature ranges.

Related: Can rubbing alcohol kill bed bugs?

Any Risks in Using Lysol?

Lysol is a concentrated product that should never be used on sensitive surfaces like mattresses and pillows.

However, it can be sprayed to drown bed bugs and their eggs with the proper precautions observed (i.e., ventilation).

  • If you use only Lysol and not combined with other bed bug control methods, the eggs will hatch, become larvae, pupae, and adults.

Lysol is flammable. Be careful when spraying it near a flame, or while you are using it near a stove.

Ultimately, Lysol does not work effectively enough to exterminate bed bugs.

  • Additionally, remember that Lysol can harm certain floors and surfaces. Check the product label for instructions.

Related: Boric for roaches

Alternative Method for Bed Bug Treatments

1. Heat Treatment

Heat treatment provides a very long-term solution to bed bug infestations.

It works by heating up the room and all objects in it, including any bugs or eggs that may be present.

It requires heating the objects or spaces to over 118 degrees Fahrenheit for at least one hour.

Heat treatments also require lots of energy as the room or objects must be heated to this temperature.

An important thing to remember is that heat treatments can’t kill bed bugs in hard-to-reach areas like inside of cushions, under carpets, and behind furniture.

Heat treatment may not work if there are no vents for air circulation and/or insulation so make sure these are sealed before trying this treatment.

  • Heat treatments can also be lethal to animals and humans so make sure everyone is out of the room when it’s being heated.
  • The heat must be maintained for at least one hour, but could take several hours if not done correctly or a lot of furniture is present.

2. Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth will kill bed bugs by dehydrating them.

It’s a very cheap option, but can be ineffective if the infestation is severe because it doesn’t kill eggs or nymphs.

You’ll need to buy diatomaceous earth in powder form and pour some onto any spots where you suspect that the pests may be hiding.

  • You will also need to use a dust mask or respirator because this material can irritate your lungs.

Use it like your bed bug prevention powder, but make sure to apply it around the edges of any beds or furniture and in corners that bed bugs could fit into.

They will die in the powder and then you can sweep them up with a broom or vacuum cleaner.

Diatomaceous earth, being natural and organic, is also safe for pets, so it’s an option if you’re worried about your dog or cat getting sick from using sprays around the home.

  • If your bed bug problem is severe, you can also use a steam clean machine to get rid of the pests.
  • Purchase the food-grade Diatomaceous Earth as its less hazardous to the environment.

3. Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing Alcohol works like a drying agent, desiccant, and solvent; it’ll repel bed bugs from their hiding places but its less effective.

  • Alcohol-based cleaners like 91% alcohol seem to repel bedbugs the best.
  • So, rubbing alcohol is an effective bed bug repellent and bug killer.

It is recommended that you place a bottle or two of rubbing alcohol in each bedroom and spray your bed sheets with the same.

Try to do this during the waking hours so you won’t irritate sleeping family members.

But rubbing alcohol could also stains your bedding, mattress, and furniture that is painted, varnished, or lacquered.

Conclusion on; Can Lysol Kill Bed bugs?

It is not uncommon for homeowners to try Lysol to get rid of bed bugs, but the results have been mixed.

  • Some people report that it does work and some say that it doesn’t as well as other household products.

Extreme heat isn’t good for eggs. It kills bedbug eggs, as it would kill any kind of egg at the same temperature…

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