Dog Ear Mites Vs Yeast Infection

Dog Ear Mites and Yeast Infections are major problems facing most dog/pet owners. Pest Control

Could you be having challenges while differentiating between the Dog Ear Mites and Yeast Infections? Then, this article is for you.

Dog Ear Mites (also known as Otodectes cynotis mites) is a parasitic infection that is caused by tiny parasites called ear mites. It is characterized by red inflammation and severe irritations.

On the other hand, Yeast Infections is caused by growth of yeast (fungus) in the ear canal and it’s characterized by odor and brown greasy stinking discharge. 

Related: Best Ear Mite Medicine for Dogs

Differences between Dog Ear Mites Vs Yeast Infection

1. Cause of Infections.

Dog Ear Mites (also known as Otodectes cynotis mites) is caused by very tiny parasites (you may not see them with your naked eye – you need a microscope) called ear mites which are classified under mange. These parasites feed on wax within the ear lobe and ear canal causing severe irritations and red inflammations/swellings that are very painful on touch.

On the other hand, Yeast infection is caused by yeast growth within the ear canal. The Yeast infections can also result from the following sources: Trapped debris or water in the ear canal, Allergens such as dust, cigarette smoke, cleaning products, molds or feathers.

Moreover, Increased amount of oil produced in the skin, Medications such as corticosteroids, Fungus sources, Chemotherapy, Exposing dog to hot, humid weather, Using medical catheter or Weaken immune system will lead to yeast infections too. These clog the ear way-causing odor and a brownish greasy stinking discharge from the inner ear.

2. Signs and Symptoms.

Dog Ear Mites is characterized by the following signs and symptoms: Severe scratching of both inner and outer ear parts, Reddish Inflammations that may be bleeding, Clamps in the ear canal and Frequent itching at neck region.

Other symptoms of Dog Ear Mites include: Continuous ear irritations, Bleeding on the swellings, Spot falling of dog’s hair at the ear region Dog abnormally shaking its head severally and a General body scratching like neck, head or back region.

Contrary, the Yeast Infections is characterized by the following signs and symptoms: Clogged Ear Canal, Foul Odor coming from the ears, Greasy sticking discharge from the ears, Unbalance movement, Pawing of ears and “Elephant Skin” – thin skin.

Other Yeast infections symptoms include: Recurrent of otitis externa, Drooling and Hair loss on infected ears, Licking infected ears, Dark pigmented ear lobes –Hyperpigmentation, Scabs and crusts on the ear, Change in skin color and texture, Crusty, flaky and scaly skin.

However, Dog Ear Mites and Yeast Infections have the following similarities in signs and symptoms: General body weakness, Body hair loss in other parts, Loss of appetite, Dog generates hearing problems, Laxity or dog frequently rolling abnormally.

3. Diagnosis process.

To diagnose your dog Against Ear Mites, your will need to Use veterinary or Ear mites professional. This is the best way. The veterinarian may ask you some question concerning your dog’s health in order to assess some of the possible cause or symptoms.

Also, the vet may carry out a clinical examination on your dog. He/she may take a swab or the ear canal to check what could be going on in there. Moreover, the veterinarian may try to identify presence of ear mites in your dog’s ears using special equipment such as microscope or an otoscope.

On the other hand, you may not need to necessarily need to involve veterinarian to carry out Yeast Infection Diagnosis (though it’s important). However, you can use the following techniques to attest yeast infections: Use of Acetate tape – Apply the acetate tape on the dog’s ears/skin to collect any yeast sample that could be available.

Through Impression smear – This requires you to press gently, a microscope slide, to collect yeast organisms samples on the dog’s ear/skin; Use of Cotton swab sample – Using a wet cotton swap, rub on the dog’s ear to collect yeast sample or By Skin scraping – Using a scalpel/blade, scarp the ear skin gently to collect yeast samples.

You can also carry out Skin biopsy. Using a biopsy punch, obtain a small skin on the dog’s ear and check on the yeast presence (in this technique, it is important to engage a veterinarian or specialist).

It is necessary to bring other pets for checkup so that treatment can begin immediately (in case they are found infected).

NB: Ensure that you always put on the medical/protection gears while carrying out any diagnosis. Label all diagnosed dogs/pets appropriately. 

4. Treatment Methods

Dog Ear Mites can be treated using various ear applications. These solutions are manufactured with ability to get rid of the eggs, larvae and adult ear mites.

You will need to pour or smear the product on the affected part and leave it to work on contact. Ensure that you select the right medicine and, where possible, consult the veterinary for advice.

Preferably, you can use: Tree Tea Oil (it is anti-inflammatory, anti-septic and can repel ear mites), Jojoba oil (It is anti-bacterial, antiseptic and natural safe solution) or try a homemade vinegar and water mixture for your Dog Ear Mite Treatment.

Contrary, Yeast Infections can be treated using the following ways: Oral Medications –For advance yeast infections, you can use veterinary recommended oral antifungal medications such as terbinafine, fluconazole, Loft says or ketoconazole.

You can combine them with various anti–bacterial infections since most of ear infections are associated with bacteria too. You will need to administer several dose for complete treatment.

Tropical Medication – Yeast Infested ears are greasy and removes stinking discharge. You will need to clean the dog with shampoo containing selenium benzoyl peroxide or sulfide first.

After that, bathe your dog using anti-fungal shampoo containing ketoconazole, miconazole or chlorhexidine 3-5 times daily for two to twelve weeks. This product will remove the yeast infections and maintain healthy ears for your dogs.

Use of Coconut oil – This is a popular method since coconut oil contains both anti-bacteria and anti-fungal components which helps cure yeast infections.

The oil also ensure the ear skin is always soft and smooth for quick healing. NB: All treated dogs/pets should be kept separate from others/healthy ones. Medicines should be kept safe and away from children.

Similarities between Dog Ear Mites Vs Yeast Infection

Similarities between Dog Ear Mites and Yeast Infections can be seen in the following areas:

1. Transmission.

Dog Ear Mites and Yeast Infections are highly contagious. They can be transmitted to other healthy dogs and animals such as cats, rabbits and even rats in similar ways.

The following are ways through which Dog Ear Mites and Yeast Infections can be Transmitted to other animals:

  • Dogs’ Social interactions such as sleeping or playing together.
  • Sharing dog’s clothes (ear mites/yeast infections can hold on dog’s clothes and get transferred to the other healthy dog)
  • Through bathing them together (Sharing washing clothe – These may carry ear mites or yeast infections).

It is important to note that Dog Ear Mites and Yeast Infections are mainly transmitted on contact. You must minimize the interaction of ear mites/Yeast infected dog with others even if you will have keep it away completely.

NB: Dog Ear Mites cannot be transmitted to humans

2. Prevention methods.

Both, the Dog Ear Mites and Yeast Infection shares common preventive methods. You can therefore use any of the following ways to prevent Dog Ear Mites and Yeast Infection on your dogs:

  • Carry out frequent medical checkup from a veterinary or specialist.
  • Clean your dog regularly with anti-fungal or anti-bacteria shampoo that are vet approved.
  • Disinfect your dog’s kennel often.
  • Avoid visiting crowded area with your dog.
  • Avoid using any product that is allergy source.
  • Trimming your dog’s hair and keeping it neat.
  • Disinfect your dog’s kennel with Ear mites/Yeast Infection disinfectants.
  • Avoid social interaction of your dog with others though playing.
  • Ensure that dog’s clothes are well cleaned and treated.

3. Side Effects.

Dog Ear mites and Yeast Infections are dangerous infections if not treated immediately. They cause continuous irritation and severe pain on your dog – this creates discomfort.

There is high loss of blood that is associated with Dog Ear Mites and Yeast Infections – this may lead to anemia. Clogging caused by yeast infections and Dog Ear Mites in the ear canal as well as eardrum may cause deafness to your dog at long run.

Moreover, continuous ill health resulting from Dog Ear Mites and Yeast Infections may lead to general body weakness and this may eventually kill your dog.

Importantly, these two infections spread rapidly thus overcoming your dog’s healthy life in a couple of days. Research shows that most dogs die of Ear Mites and Yeast Infections yearly if not addressed at their mild stage.


Dog Ears Mites are infections caused by parasites called ear mites whereas yeast infections are initiated by yeast and fungi growth within the ear canal.

Though Dog Ear Mites and Yeast Infections have close similarities in symptoms, there exist great disparities. You must, therefore, maintain close diagnosis to help you offer proper medication. Always observe preventive measures highlighted in this article.


  1. Dog Ear Mite Infestation: a Possible Problem in Public – NCBI 
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