How Do you Silence a Cricket

How Do you Silence a Cricket?

Have you ever been in a situation where the incessant chirping of cricket is driving you crazy, especially when you’re trying to sleep or concentrate?

  • If you’re wondering how to silence a cricket, you’re not alone. Crickets can be persistent noisemakers, and finding a solution to quiet them down can be a relief.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore various methods and tips to effectively silence a cricket and regain your peace and quiet.

The Answer: To silence a cricket, consider the following methods:

  1. Locate the Cricket: The first step is to find the cricket responsible for the noise. Crickets are small, nocturnal insects that often hide in dark, damp places. Use a flashlight to search for it in corners, closets, or under furniture.
  2. Use a Container: Once you’ve located the cricket, carefully place a container, such as a glass or a plastic cup, over it. Slide a piece of paper or cardboard under the container to trap the cricket inside.
  3. Release the Cricket: Take the container with the trapped cricket outdoors and gently lift it to release the cricket. This humane method allows the cricket to continue its life away from your living space.
  4. Create a White Noise Barrier: If you can’t locate the cricket or it’s in a hard-to-reach spot, consider using a white noise machine or a fan to drown out the cricket’s chirping. This can make the cricket’s noise less bothersome.
  5. Seal Entry Points: To prevent future cricket infestations, inspect your home for entry points and seal them. Crickets often enter through cracks and gaps in windows, doors, and walls.
  6. Apply Natural Repellents: Crickets dislike certain scents, such as peppermint, lavender, and citrus. You can use essential oils or sachets with these scents near potential entry points to deter crickets.
  7. Maintain a Clean Environment: Crickets are attracted to food crumbs and moisture. Keeping your home clean and dry can reduce their presence.

Now that we’ve provided a concise answer to the question of how to silence a cricket, let’s delve into more details about each method and explore additional information that will help you deal with crickets effectively.

Locating the Cricket

When you hear a cricket chirping, the first challenge is to find its exact location. Crickets are experts at hiding in dark and secluded places, making them hard to spot. Here are some tips to aid your search:

Use a Flashlight

Grab a flashlight or headlamp to illuminate the areas where you suspect the cricket might be hiding. Crickets are more active at night, so this method is most effective after dark.

Listen Carefully

Sometimes, just by listening carefully, you can narrow down the cricket’s location. Approach the area you suspect the cricket to be in and stay quiet for a moment to hear its chirping more clearly.

Check Common Hiding Spots

Crickets often hide in corners, behind furniture, in closets, or even under appliances. Pay close attention to these areas during your search.

Using a Container

Once you’ve pinpointed the cricket’s location, the next step is to capture it using a container. This method allows you to safely remove the cricket without harming it. Here’s how to do it:

Materials Needed

  • A glass or plastic cup
  • A piece of paper or cardboard


  1. Gently place the glass or plastic cup over the cricket, ensuring that it’s completely covered.
  2. Carefully slide the piece of paper or cardboard under the cup, trapping the cricket inside.
  3. Hold the paper or cardboard firmly against the mouth of the cup to prevent the cricket from escaping. 

Related: Get Rid of Crickets Outside

Releasing the Cricket

Now that you have successfully captured the cricket, it’s time to release it outdoors, far from your living space. Follow these steps to safely release the cricket:


  1. Take the container with the trapped cricket outdoors to a suitable location.
  2. Gently lift the cup and paper/cardboard, allowing the cricket to escape.
  3. Ensure that the cricket has safely left the container before removing it.

By releasing the cricket outdoors, you not only solve your immediate noise problem but also provide the cricket with a chance to continue its natural behavior away from your home.

Create a White Noise Barrier

If you’re unable to locate the cricket or it’s in a place that’s challenging to access, creating a white noise barrier can help mask the sound of its chirping. White noise, like the sound of a fan or a white noise machine, can make the cricket’s noise less bothersome. Here’s how to use this method effectively:

White Noise Machines:

  • Invest in a white noise machine designed to produce a consistent, soothing sound. Place it in your bedroom or the area where the cricket noise is most disturbing.


  • Oscillating fans or box fans can provide a steady background noise that drowns out the cricket’s chirping.
  • Position the fan in a way that directs the airflow away from you, so it doesn’t disrupt your sleep or daily activities.

While this method doesn’t eliminate the cricket, it can provide immediate relief by masking the noise, allowing you to carry on with your daily routine or get a good night’s sleep.

Seal Entry Points

Preventing future cricket infestations is essential for long-term relief from their chirping. Crickets often enter homes through small cracks and gaps in doors, windows, and walls. Here’s how to seal these entry points effectively:

Inspect Your Home:

  • Carefully examine the exterior of your home for any visible cracks, gaps, or holes where crickets might enter.
  • Check for damaged window screens or gaps around doors.

Seal Cracks and Gaps:

  • Use silicone caulk to seal cracks and gaps in walls, windows, and door frames.
  • Repair or replace damaged window screens to prevent crickets from entering through them.


  • Install weatherstripping around doors to create a tight seal, preventing crickets from squeezing through gaps.

By sealing these entry points, you not only keep crickets out but also improve your home’s energy efficiency.

Apply Natural Repellents

Crickets are sensitive to certain scents, and there are natural repellents you can use to deter them from entering your home. Here are some effective options:

Peppermint Oil:

  • Mix a few drops of peppermint essential oil with water in a spray bottle.
  • Spray this mixture around entry points, corners, and other potential hiding spots.
  • The strong scent of peppermint is known to repel crickets.


  • Lavender sachets or essential oils can also deter crickets.
  • Place sachets in your closets, under your bed, or near windows and doors.
  • Alternatively, add a few drops of lavender oil to a diffuser.


  • Crickets are averse to citrus scents.
  • Place citrus peels or use citrus-scented cleaners near entry points and potential hiding spots.

These natural repellents not only keep crickets away but also leave your home smelling fresh and pleasant.

Maintain a Clean Environment

Crickets are attracted to food crumbs and moisture, so maintaining a clean and dry living environment can significantly reduce their presence. Here’s how to keep your home less appealing to these chirping insects:

1. Regular Cleaning: Make it a habit to clean your home thoroughly, especially in areas where crumbs and spills commonly occur. Pay close attention to the kitchen, dining areas, and living spaces. Sweep, mop, and vacuum regularly to remove food particles and crumbs that might attract crickets.

2. Store Food Properly: Keep food items, including pet food, in airtight containers to prevent crickets from gaining access to them. Crickets are opportunistic feeders and can be attracted to even the smallest food scraps.

3. Repair Leaks: Crickets are also drawn to moisture. Fix any plumbing leaks promptly to reduce humidity levels in your home. A dry environment is less appealing to these insects.

4. Declutter: Clutter provides hiding spots for crickets. Regularly declutter your living spaces, eliminating potential hiding spots. This not only reduces cricket activity but also enhances the overall cleanliness of your home.

5. Outdoor Maintenance: Keep your outdoor spaces tidy as well. Trim overgrown vegetation, especially near entry points, to discourage crickets from entering your home. Also, consider installing outdoor lighting away from doors and windows to minimize the attraction of crickets. 


In conclusion, successfully dealing with a chirping cricket can be a straightforward process when armed with the right techniques and methods.

  • Whether you opt to locate and release the cricket or employ a white noise barrier to mask its persistent chirping, it’s crucial to prioritize humane and non-harmful approaches.
  • Moreover, implementing preventative measures such as sealing entry points, utilizing natural repellents, and maintaining a clean living environment can be instrumental in keeping crickets away over the long term.

It’s important to remember that crickets are an integral part of the natural ecosystem and contribute to it in various ways. Whenever possible, choose methods that allow these creatures to continue their lives outside your home.