How to Get Paint off Laminate Floor

Staining the floor is standard when carrying out paint restoration, either indoors or outdoors. Usually, you will require to clean/remove the paint or playset stain – wet or dry, to improve the finish outlook impression. Pest Control

The paint removal process may not be easy at times, mostly when you use the wrong method. Laminate floors are even cumbersome to get paint off without damaging surface material.

Here’s how to get paint off the laminate floor – use rubbing alcohol/isopropyl alcohol, commercial paint remover like Goof Off, paint stripper, acetone/nail polish, paint thinner like turpentine, or scrap it off. 

Besides, you can opt for homemade paint removers as an alternative means. Appropriate methods and proper procedures should be adhered to during the paint removal process to protect primary floor material from damage. 

Details: How to Get Paint off Laminate Floor

1. Rubbing alcohol/Isopropyl Alcohol

Required Items

  • A piece of cloth and warm water
  • Rubbing alcohol/isopropyl alcohol
  • Vacuum cleaner and an empty bucket
  • Protective gear – eye protection, gloves, respirator, and dust coat
  • Soap detergent and a paintbrush for garage floors.

Steps to Follow

  1. Put on protective equipment (eye protection, gloves, respirator, and dust coat)
  2. Vacuum the stained floor using a vacuum cleaner to remove dust particles and debris
  3. Dilute rubbing alcohol appropriately according to the instructions given by the manufacturer
  4. Carry out a drop experiment over the paint-stained area to ascertain removal action
  5. Gently apply to rub alcohol solvent using a paintbrush over the paint-stained area and leave it to cure 5-minutes.
  6. Scrub off the paint using a paintbrush
  7. Soak the piece of cloth in soapy detergent and mop the cleaned surface to remove paint traces and rubbing alcohol remains
  8. Wipe the floor to dryness with clean water

Isopropyl alcohol breaks down the paint molecule forming a viscous fluid that is easier to wipe out.  You can use this method in both oil-based and water-based paint stains. 

See Also: Epoxy Spray Paint

b. Commercial Paint Removers – Goof Off

Required Items

  • Commercial paint remover – Goof Off from Amazon
  • A vacuum cleaner and a paintbrush
  • Soapy detergent and a piece of cloth
  • Scrapper and an empty bucket
  • Clean, warm water and protective gear

Steps to Follow

  1. Wear protective equipment (eye protection, gloves, respirator, and dust coat)
  2. Gently vacuum the stained surface area to remove dust particles
  3. Prepare the commercial stain remover (goof off) as instructed by the manufacturer
  4. Carry out a drop test experiment over the stained surface to approve efficiency of stain removal
  5. Using a paintbrush, apply the solvent over the stained surface and leave it for 5-10 minutes or otherwise advised by the manufacturer. Alternatively, you can spray the paint-stained surface if the solvent is in a spray can
  6. Scrap-off the paint debris using a paint scraper or paintbrush
  7. Clean the surface with soapy detergents to remove traces of commercial paint remover
  8. Mop the surface to dryness with clean water

Most commercial paint removers integrate simple chemical structures, which break down paint molecules into a thick liquid, which is more comfortable to scrap-off. Before making your purchase, consider the type of paint stain under removal.

c. Using Paint stripper

Required Items

  • Paint striper and soap detergent
  • A piece of cloth and clean water
  • Empty bucket and paintbrush
  • Protective gear and scrapper

Steps to Follow

  1. Wear appropriate protective gear – eye protection, gloves, and dust coat
  2. Remove durst over the paint-stained surface
  3. Apply the paint stripper over the paint-stained surface and leave it off to cure for 10 minutes or otherwise advised by the manufacturer
  4. Scrap off the paint from the floor gently using a scrapper
  5. Mop the cleaned floor with soap and water to remove paint traces
  6. Rinse the surface to dryness

The paint stripper breaks the paint molecules to form a thick viscous liquid that can be wiped out. The method works for both acrylic and latex paint.

d. Acetone or Nail polish remover

Required Items

  • Acetone or acetone-based nail polish
  • Soapy detergent and a paintbrush
  • Scrapper and vacuum cleaner
  • A piece of cloth and warm water
  • Empty bucket and protective gear

Steps to Follow

  1. Put on protective gear – eye goggles, respirator, facemask, and gloves
  2. Using a vacuum cleaner, remove dust particles over the paint-stained area
  3. Dilute acetone appropriately according to the manufacturer’s instructions
  4. Carry out a drop test experiment to ascertain the paint removal action over the stained area
  5. Using a paintbrush, smear/apply the acetone over the paint-stained section and leave it to cure for 10 to 15 minutes – for a thick paint layer
  6. Gently scrap-off the paint using a scraper or clean with a paintbrush
  7. Mop the surface with warm soapy water to remove traces of acetone and paint debris
  8. Rinse the floor with clean water

NB: Acetone or nail polish is best for both water-based paint and oil-based paint. Avoid excess concentration of acetone – it may destroy the laminate floor. 

See Also: Mildew Resistant Paints

d. Paint Thinner – Turpentine

Required Items

  • A paint thinner like turpentine
  • A paintbrush and vacuum cleaner
  • Paint scraper and piece of cloth
  • Protective gear and an empty bucket
  • Waterpoint and soapy detergent

Steps to Follow

  • Wear appropriate protective gear – respirator, facemask, eye goggles, gloves, and dust coat
  • Vacuum the paint-stained surface to remove dust particles and surface debris using the vacuum cleaner
  • Dilute thinner (turpentine) as per manufacturer’s instructions
  • Carry out a drop test experiment to confirm removal action over the paint-stained surface
  • Apply thinner solvent over the paint-stained surface completely and leave it to cure for 10 minutes or otherwise advised by the manufacturer
  • Scrap-off the cured paint gently using a scrapper or clean with a paintbrush
  • Wash the surface with soapy detergent to remove traces of turpentine (thinner) on the stained floor
  • Rinse the floor with clean water using a piece of cloth

Turpentine/thinner is best suited for oil-based paint stain removal. The solvent should be handled with care as it causes nasal and skin irritation upon contact.

e. Scrap of using a putty knife

Required Items

  • Putty knife or scrapper
  • Paintbrush and clean water
  • Soapy detergent and a piece of cloth
  • Protective gear and a bucket
  • Waterpoint and vacuum cleaner

Steps to Follow

  1. Wear protective gear – facemask, gloves, overalls, and eye goggles
  2. Vacuum the paint-stained area to remove debris and dust particles
  3. Apply soapy detergents over the paint-stained area and leave it for 5 minutes to cure
  4. Using a putty knife, gently scrape off paint stain
  5. Mop the surface using soap and water to remove paint traces
  6. Rinse the surface to dryness with clean water

This method is used when cleaning wet paint (either latex paint or acrylic paint stain). The thin, dry paint layer can also be removed using this method.

But, the removal process may not be efficient. When using this method, be careful not to damage the primary laminate floor material. 

See Also:Staining Pressure Treated Wood

Best Homemade Paint Remover for Laminated floor

Homemade paint removers are better options that you can utilize at home in case of a paint stain.

The solvents work efficiently as other options. However, you will need to identify the type of paint under paint removal for better method selection.

1. Using Dish soap or detergent

Dish soap is suitable for both latex and acrylic paint removal. The detergent contains chemical additives that break the paint bonds forming a thick viscous fluid that more comfortable to remove.

Dilute dish soap sufficiently with water. Sweep dust around the paint-stained area to improve soap action. Soak a piece of cloth and scrub the paint stain gently until the paint is entirely removed.

In case you face some removal challenges (for dried paint), leave the soaked area for some time to quench before scrapping with a blunt knife or scrapper.

Rinse the floor to dryness with clean, warm water.

2. White Vinegar or White Spirit

Dilute white vinegar or white spirit slightly to attain appropriate concentration (medium pH). Carry out a drop test over the paint-stained floor to ascertain the removal efficiency of the solvent.

Apply the white vinegar sufficiently over the stained floor and leave it to cure for 10 minutes before scraping off with a scraper or a putty knife. Clean the paint debris with a paintbrush.

Soak a piece of cloth in soapy detergent and clean the floor to remove traces of white vinegar that could be remaining. High vinegar concentration may damage the laminate floor – you can agitate the mixture with denatured alcohol to boost removal action.

NB: White vinegar or white spirit can be used on either latex paint stain or acrylic paint without any problem. 

See Also: Stain for Red Oak Floors

3. Using ammonia – window-based cleaner

Dilute ammonia (window-based cleaner) appropriately in a beaker or container. Using a paintbrush, apply the solvent over the paint-stained area. Leave the stain to cure for 5 to 10 minutes before scrapping with a scrapper.

Soak a clean piece of cloth in soapy detergent and clean paint debris. Then, rinse the floor to dryness with clean water. In case the paint stain is not completely removed, add a little solvent, and repeat the procedure given above.

Ammonium solution acts instantly upon application and breaks the complex chemic structure in all types of paints (either water-based or oil-based paint), forming a thin viscous fluid, which is more comfortable to clean with a paintbrush or mop with a rag.

NB: Ammonia produces fumes that may irritate nasal or skin upon contact – wear protective gears during solvent application.

Precautions to Consider When Getting Paint off laminated Floor

When getting paint off laminated floor, stick to safety measures and precautions highlighted below:

  1. Always put on protective gear when getting off paint laminate floor – gloves, goggles, overalls, respirator, and boots.
  2. Consider the type of stain before selecting a method of stain removal to use. The oil-based-paint stain should be cleaned using an oil-based stain remover and vice versa.
  3. Always carry out a drop test experiment before the actual stain removal process – helps ascertain the stain removal efficiency.
  4. Never smell paint stain remover directly or touch directly.
  5. If you touch stain remover, wash the section with water and soap.
  6. Flammable paint stain removers should not be used indoors or near fireplaces unless necessary precaution is considered.
  7. Stain removers should be kept away from pets and kids – prevents intoxication.
  8. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when cleaning and preparing paint stains. 

See Also: Baby Safe Paint for Crib


Choosing the best painting method for the laminate floor is crucial in achieving an excellent floor finish. This article has offered the best options that guarantee you quality results.

You will need to stick to procedures and precautions given during the paint removal process to attain the original floor appearance.

By using either rubbing alcohol/isopropyl alcohol, commercial paint remover like goof off, paint stripper, acetone/nail polish, paint thinner like turpentine, or soapy detergents, you will achieve a perfect surface finish without causing damage to your primary floor material.

Notably, wear protective gear during the paint removal process and avoid smelling commercially acquired paint removers directly.

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