How to Get Rid of No-See-Ums

In this article, I am going to talk about how to get rid of no-see-ums. These are bugs that most people don’t talk a lot about. The noseeums are attracted to carbon dioxide that your body (and every mammal) gives off. 

Are you getting bit in your house are you worried you might have fed bugs or you’re worried you might have fleas but you haven’t seen any other signs – it might be no-see-ums

A lot of people call them no see ums because you can’t see them – they are really teeny tiny mosquitoes. They can fly through the screens if you have a home even with some screened-in windows. 

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How to Get Rid of No-See-Ums 

The biting and blood-sucking no see ums bugs are quite dangerous. 

You might mistake them for wasps, bees, gnats, or mosquitoes – their features and effects will match those of the biting Midges or No See Ums. 

Step 1: Identify Noseeums

The bugs are very small and you’ll find them around the yard, lawn, or your garden. It’s critical to correctly identify the noseeums. 

This is to ensure that you’re truly dealing with or controlling noseeums and not just mosquitoes. This will affect the bug-control technique you’ll employ. 

1. Standing water – The No See Ums will be around some standing water as they require it for procreation. 

Thus, check if your property or home has standing water that hasn’t been drained for long. This can play host or homage to the no see ums. 

Further, the bugs love eating nectar – which’s largely available in lawns and gardens. 

2. Have saw-like mouthparts – The mouthparts of no see ums are saw-like since they’re created for sucking blood. 

Therefore, the bugs will bite humans and pets frequently (painful bites) particularly in the yard or outdoor spaces. 

3. They carry diseases – The No See Ums do carry diseases including Leishmania and Carrions Diseases (Bartonella bacilliformis). 

The bites for the bugs around the tropical regions may lead to chronic illnesses like phlebotomus and may equally transmit worms like the Filarial worms. 

The noseeums will equally make humans sick (maybe hiding in your hair) besides leaving marks that are itchy and painful. Thus, homeowners consider it urgent to control the bugs. 

4. They have winged hairs – The bugs also have varied color patterns and winged hairs. It has segmented antennae (15) that it uses to suck blood from wild animals, pets, and humans. 

The tiny bugs measure about 1/8-inch or under and are grey-colored. 

Step 2: Noseeums Inspection

Inspecting for noseeums will help you in the bug control phase. This phase helps identify the places ( “hotspots”) where the bugs will get attracted to, congregate and breed. 

1. Hotspots to inspect 

So, if you’re wondering about the hotspots to check the noseeums. I noted above that they’ll mainly hide around standing water just like with mosquitoes. 

So, inspect those swampy and muddy areas – there are the places they’ll lay eggs – also check on moist soil, streams, and lakes.

The bugs will largely attack humans in the outdoor spaces and thus you should start the inspection there. Check for all standing water around the home.

I would check the pets’ water bowls, uncovered (and undrained) garbage cans, puddles, tree stumps, rain barrels, potted plants, ornamental fountains, rain gutters, and birdbaths.

Indoors, I would inspect the utility rooms, bathrooms, and kitchens as these are also areas that the no see um will hide ready to bite – if there is standing water or leaks.

2. Cues to Check for

But what cues will you be looking for as you inspect for no see um? We’ve noted that you’re largely checking for standing water.

But since the no see um will be tiny to see clearly, you’ll require to check on the hotspots for signs of their breeding or hiding. Also, is there wet mulch, yard debris, or moist soil?

After you’ve identified the breeding area of the no see ums, you’ll thus easily apply the bug treatment you’ve selected to exterminate them.

3. No See Um Treatment 

No wits time for treating the no see ums after you’ve identified their activity.

But before going deeper into the bug treatment, carefully read and adhere to the product label instructions such as putting on the PPEs advised.

Step-by-Step: No See Ums Control 

Step 1: Removing Standing Water

First, before you apply that no see um treatment, you’ll require to remove the bug’s breeding grounds. 

So, remove the moisture grounds (and water) including the standing water in and around the house or property. 

First, drain the yard, unclog the rain gutters, empty the foundations, and turn over the buckets to remove the standing water. 

Step 2: Use IGRs Treatment 

Nest, you’ll need to undertake outdoor no see um treatment using products like Tekko Pro or Reclaim IT IGR.

These insecticides will exterminate or repel a variety of pests including these no see um in the outdoor spaces like the patio, garden, or yard.

For example, the Tekko Pro IGR will exterminate different no see um stages (undeveloped stages) including eggs and larvae that could be lurking in the property.

Mix Tekko Pro and Reclaim IT IGR (1 fl. oz. + 1 ounce respectively); then spray on the outdoor spaces using that pump sprayer on an area of about 1,500 square feet.

Begin spraying on the front and yard including on the ornamentals, groundcover, flower beds, and mulch beds. This must be more on areas with standing water and moist soil.

For safety, avoid letting pets and humans going onto the places treated for no see um until it’s fully dry. Next, you’ll require to spray around the property perimeter.

Further, spray around windows, outdoor lighting fixtures, tree trunks, garages, foundations, and siding to control the Midges using the Tekko Pro & Reclaim IT.

Further., reapply the no see um treatment within 1-2 weeks to reduce the bug population. But you may require a fogging or misting machine for serious infestations or commercial spaces.

Step 3: Treat Indoors Using Pyrid Aerosol

To remove no see um in the indoor spaces or also the house, you’ll like to use the Pyrid Aerosol. But vinegar plus dish soap can also help in exterminating the bugs.

Pyrid aerosol is excellent for indoor no see um treatment as it’s a good space and contact spray that’ll easily and fast knock down the bugs. The aerosol will remove or repel the bugs from the pets and humans around your house.

However, ensure to remove all the food objects like pots, bowls, and glasses. Also, ensure to close doors, windows, and your air conditioner. The Pyrid Aerosol should be applied over 1,050 cubic ft for 1-3 seconds.

Also, don’t let humans or pets get into the sprayed spaces for 15 minutes – and also undertake proper ventilation before allowing living beings into the spaces. Also, wipe those countertops and the eating surfaces.

Step 4: No See Um Prevention

Some of the no see um prevention steps include:

a. Spray Pivot 10 IGR and Reclaim IT prior to the start of the no see um season – especially the time when these bugs are most active in the region. Also, re-apply the insecticides within 1-2 weeks if this is required for an area with massive no see um infestation. 

b. Put on long clothing while working, playing, or relaxing in the outdoor spaces to reduces the chances of no see um bites and related infections. I would recommend getting long stockings, long-sleeved shirts and also long pants.

c. Fix all the faulty plumbing and leaky faucets to reduce the habitats or hiding spots for the no see um bugs. Also, install some screens on the doors and windows.

d. Repair, fix, or reduce any moisture areas in and around the house. Further, check that the rain gutters operate effectively, and remove any buckets that may hold storm or rainwater.


The last step on how to get rid of no-see-ums is undertaking appropriate prevention steps.

This can be undertaken without conducting massive changes to the yard or garden environment.