How to Kill Flea Eggs (4 Easy Methods)

Let’s discuss what kills flea eggs in your yard or in indoor spaces. Honestly, there aren’t many things that’ll kill flea eggs  – they’re supper hardy. How to Kill Flea Eggs  

Fleas will jump off from the cats and dogs to lays their eggs on pet bedding or even house carpeting. Any unattended fleas eggs will hatch to a major flea infestation within a month. 

In summary, here’s how to kill flea eggs; vacuuming carpets, rugs and floors will remove the flea eggs dropped by your cats or dogs. Vacuuming will clean up flea larvae and their food (flea dirt). In addition, vacuuming makes the fleas to emerge from the insecticide-resistant cocoons – exposing them to treatment. 

Details: How to Kill Flea Eggs? 

Flea eggs are translucent, oval-shaped objected that measure about 0.5 mm (0.02 inches). Females fleas lay average of 40 eggs daily in your yard or home – they’ll hatch within 2 weeks into larvae

1. Vacuum Carpets, Rugs and Floors 

The surest way to control fleas eggs and adult fleas is vacuuming your rugs and carpeted areas – maintain a tidy and clean home. The flea vacuum machine will ruck all the flea eggs, cocoons, and larvae. 

Flea eggs tend to hatch in 2 to 3 days after they’re laid. Therefore, the vacuuming daily will allow extermination of the eggs and thus prevent them from hatching a new flea generation. 

Also, lifting your carpet nap during the vacuuming process ensures that the insecticides will penetrate deeper into the fibers of your carpets where eggs and larvae hide. 

In addition, you must vacuum the couches and carpets using a water-based vacuum as it’ll remove flea eggs plus flea dirt. Therefore, removing flea dirt will deny the flea larvae some of their food. 

Thoroughly vacuum places that your cats and dogs sleep and rest. Further, vacuum the throw rugs, beds, cushions, under furniture, and room edges. Finally, seal and dispose your vacuum bag into the outdoor garbage can. 

2. Spray IGR Prodcuts like Frontline Plus (Has S Methoprene) 

Get a flea control product that has an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR) such as S Methoprene and pyriproxyfen that’ll help kill the fleas eggs and flea larvae. Consult veterinarian first to ensure the product is safe for your pets, their bedding, and carpeting in the house. 

flea and more eggs
Source: Front-line

Not many product will kill and prevent flea eggs. However, you’ll succeed if you prevent the flea eggs from hatching. I recommend you use Frontline Plus as it contains and IGR – S Methoprene. 

The S Methoprene will hinder the flea from eggs and equally prevent the fleas eggs from hatching. Therefore, this will definitely break down the flea life cycle. 

Frontline Plus is an excellent flea control product because it’ll exterminate both adult fleas (5 percent of flea population), larvae and flea eggs.

IGRs may be applied on your cats or dogs as food additives, tablets, or sprays – this may be monthly or any other approved regular cycle. For example, products with Lufenuron may be given like an injection, food additive, or pill.

Further, Sentinel has lufenuron that’ll also prevent infestation and growth of heart-worms. These will highly helpful for your indoor pets. 

However, with these IGR products, you’ll need to wait for 4 to 6 weeks for notable decline in fleas. This is because IGRs will only kill flea larvae, flea eggs and not adults fleas.

PT Ultracide is another favorable product for controlling flea eggs. The aerosol will kill the fleas immediately – has a quick kill effect – which also deterring the formation of new larvae, flea eggs and adults. Luckily, it has a long (7 months) residue effect. 

3. Launder (at 140°F) & Dry Bedding and Clothes 

Dryer heat will kill the flea eggs and larvae plus adults in your clothes, curtains and bedding. Launder fabrics at 140°F for ~ 10 minutes before drying them at the highest temperature setting in your dryer – consider the fabric material too. 

Washing your bedding and clothes with hot water will help kill the fleas and their eggs. Further, an effective washing machine helps dislodge the flea eggs and thus exterminate a flea offspring. Ensure you add some soap in the washing soap.

Fleas won’t survive the heat in your dryer. The bugs will die at temperatures that go over 35°C (95°F). Further, flea larvae and fleas eggs die at temperatures over 38°C (100.4°F). 

Despite that some of the flea eggs could still hatch at 35°C, the temperature won’t allow the larvae to mature. But about a third of the larvae population could still develop to spin their cocoons and molt – but all will die in their cocoon. 

4. Boric Acid Insecticide Powder 

Despite that spraying fleas, their larvae and eggs comes second to vacuuming in terms effectiveness, using insecticides powders can also work great in exterminating the flea eggs. 

Flea powders are less toxic compared sprays but they won’t cause an instant killing effect on the eggs. But the powders function well will carpets. The flea powders have boric acid that’s deadly to fleas but safe to humans and pets. 

Boric acid plus the included sodium salts will kill fleas and their eggs. They’ll abrade the creature’s exoskeletons or act like stomach poison to kill the fleas. Further, boric acid will also kill ants, termites, and roaches. 

  1. Purchase boric acid that’s EPA-registered. Flea larvae that’ll be scavenging for a meal around the carpet will feed on the boric acid. 
  2. Boric acid will penetrate the carpet fibers, upholstered furniture, crevices and cracks. However, avoid using boric acid powder in the outdoor spaces as it won’t be effective against fleas when it gets wet.  
  3. Caution: Don’t apply the boric acid directly on your cats, dogs or any other pets. Also, if possible, you can use flea collars against cats and dogs.
  4. Pay special attention, when applying the powder, to your pet’s sleeping areas including under beds or chairs. But vacuum the concrete, tile or hardwood floors for best results against flea eggs.


The  main control method for flea eggs definitely vacuuming, followed by using IGR sprays, laundering and drying, and finally boric acid powder.

However, be sure that flea eggs hatch within a very short time – about 2 weeks. So, be quick and precise in controlling the flea eggs.


  1. Safer Flea Control – Insects in the City 
  2. Fleas Management Guidelines–UC IPM 
  3. Chemical and Nonchemical Management of Fleas – UT

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