Pet lizards that look like dragons? May be you have ever heard of dragon or seen them in movies. These eminent creatures depict great power and they are viewed differently from one community to another.
Perhaps you may even desire to see a dragon live. Can you imagine having your own pet dragon at home? So, what pet lizards that look like Dragon?
In summary, pet lizards that look like dragons include Chinese Water Dragons, Bearded Dragons, Red-Eyed Crocodile Skinks, Plumed Basilisks, Crested Geckos, Draco Lizards, Green Iguanas, Armadillo Lizards, Horned Lizards, Sailfin Dragons and Frilled Dragons among others.
Dragons are four legged serpent-like creatures that may be wingless or have vestigial wings and are known to breathe fire and depicts the symbol of power in various communities. An early age, the dragon resembled a giant snake and had above-average intelligence.
[amazon bestseller=”Best Food for Lizards” items=”2″ template=”table”]Details: 11 Pet Lizards That Look Like Dragons.
No more hassle, you can buy your own pet lizard dragon and forget the mythical dragons. So, let’s get into the details – including the pet lizards’ (vertebrates) size, weight and physical appearance.
1. Bearded Dragons.
The bearded Dragon, scientifically called Pogona vitticeps, is an intermediate lizard that looks fiercer and resembles “tiny dragon”. It has mild personalities and doesn’t post much threat to humanity – they are friendly in nature and enjoy much interaction with people as well as love close attention.
When fully grown, Breaded dragon measures 60 cm or 2 feet long and can live for 5 to 10 years when taken care of well. Normally, Bearded Dragon is omnivore. It can feed on fruits and vegetables as well as dust insects (crickets) with high calcium level. When trained, some bearded dragon can feed on dead insect mixed with fresh vegetables.
For the beginner’s level, this is the best pet lizard “dragon” that you can give priorities. .The reptile is easier to handle and can be a nice pet for young responsible children – they rarely attack kids.
Actually, Bearded Dragon is a perfect example for anyone who desires to have a pet “dinosaur” or “dragon” at home. The lizards does not feed too much (low maintenance) and is calm and responsive to the owner.
The Bearded dragons are native to Australia and live in arid, semi-arid and rocky environment. Therefore, as pet lizards, they should be provided with similar environment.
Their cage should have shallow dish or basin water to ensure that they are kept hydrated. Expose your pet Bearded dragon to light bulb designed purposely for reptiles (you can get these in your nearby pet store).
A threated Bearded dragon has an expanded throat with standing spikes which flattens when the lizards calms and gets contented. It is easier to train Bearded Dragon for some activities such as feeding and recognition. Bearded dragons are the most common pet lizards.
Related: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomatoes?
2. Chinese Water Dragons.
The Chinese Water Dragon (Physignathus cocincinus) is a small lizard that looks like tiny Iguana and resembles a “small dragon”. When fully mature, the Chinese Water Dragon can reach 60 cm to 90 cm or 2 to 3 feet. They live 10 to 15 years though some can even reach 20 years of age under special care.
This reptile is an omnivore and best suitable for intermediate level pet owners.
Chinese Water Dragon are not expensive to take care of, however, they need more maintenance than other lizards. They love climbing on rocks and branches – their cage should therefore provide such options to keep them active.
These pets are common in various places and are considered more friendly and lovely due to their color, size and behavior. They love being handle by their owner – this reduces any aggressive level that may arose in them.
Chinese Water Dragon is a social reptile. It is able to tolerate other animals in the cage without rebellion. When threatened or scared, Chinese Water Dragon usually whip its tail or rather bite (slightly) for defense purpose.
Chinese Water Dragon love swimming a lot. A sizable pod or dishwater should be provided in the cage to keep it hydrated. Ensure the enclosure is 80% humid for better survival of your pet Chinese Water Dragon
Chinese Water Dragon love running along the wall and rubbing against it. A larger area cage would do better and bottom lining of the cage is necessary to prevent themselves from skin damage due to scratch.
3. Red-Eyed Crocodile Skink.
Red-Eyed Crocodile Skinks (Tribolonotus gracilis) are medium sized lizards that look like “master dragon”. They are best for the intermediate pet owners since they have a higher intelligent level.
When fully grown, Red-Eyed Crocodile Skink measures 10 to 18 cm and lives for a minimum of 10 years. It is a carnivore reptile that needs a lot of calcium supplement always when feeding.
The Red-Eyed Crocodile Skink has a protruding and serrated back with a long tail, which resembles a dragon. The lizard is easier and cheaper to maintain. It requires about 23-gallon aquarium to serve adequately a single pair.
Red-Eyed Crocodile Skinks have orange rings around their eyes that makes them unique and their eyes turn red with time due to their variation in their emotional levels.
These lizards are friendly and attractive to keep. Their movement and eye orientation offer a perfect attraction look to the viewers.
Red-Eyed Crocodile Skinks are native in tropical forest of the New Guinea and Equatorial climates. They love climbing trees and scurrying on the ground thus such options should be provided in their closure.
Red-Eyed Crocodile Skinks are not picky when feeding. They love being handled often and will make loud sound or play dead if scared or frightened.
Red-Eyed Crocodile Skinks love playing in hideouts. You should therefore provide hiding options and large enclosure for running when playing.
Related: How Smart are Bearded Dragons? Intelligent?
4. Plumed/Green Basilisks.
Plumed Basilisks (Basiliscus plumifrons), commonly known as Green Basilisks or Jesus Christ lizards are beautiful green-scaled lizards that resemble “dragons”. They have crown-like head adornment, which gives them power and mighty appearance.
Plumed Basilisk measures between 2 to 3 feet when fully grown and lives for up to 10 years. They are bright green in color with blue specs.
These lizards love to roam a lot within the cage and therefore, large space should be provided. They like digging small holes and climbing walls and trees. Such provisions should be available in the enclosure.
Plumed Basilisks are native in Central America, especially in Costa Rica and Guatemala. They are found in dense forest, rivers and large waterways due to food abundance and escape mechanism (running on water). You can also find them in Nicaragua, West Panama and Eastern Honduras.
Plumed Basilisks feed on live bugs such as locust, mealworms and crickets. They can also eat small fish or snake by swallowing them whole. This tells you that Plumed Basilisks are carnivores in nature.
You can bond with Plumed Basilisks with time though they love having their quiet moments, especially after feeding. These reptiles have unique personalities that you may not find with other lizards. They are hard to find around but amazing to pet in your home.
Then threatened, Plumed Basilisk usually run across the water body instead of swimming and hence their nickname “Jesus Christ”.
Plumed Basilisks don’t like being handle much and are therefore not recommended for beginner pet owners. They are considered advance lizard of a higher intelligence.
5. Crested Geckos.
The Crested Geckos (Correlophus (Rhacodactylus) ciliatus) are smaller lizards that are characterized by spiny Scales and large eyes that make it look like a “small dragon”. Though their number is not large, they are very popular due to their cool behavior.
Crested Gecko measures 7 to 9 inches when fully grown and can live for 10 to 20 years. These lizards have maintenance cost and thus easier to take care of.
They love running and climbing on the wall (due to their sticky feet) and therefore, you should provide rocks and branches in the cage for them to explore during the night.
Crested Geckos are nocturnal lizards. They love to carry their activities during the night instead of the daylight. Their cage don’t necessarily need lighting system.
Crested Geckos are omnivore and will basically feed on insects such as crickets, silkworms and waxworms as well as fruits.
These lizards very docile. They often try to jump out when being held at the first time though with time, they would get familiar with the owner.
When stressed or scared, Crested Gecko will drop its tail (defense/protection mechanism) which does not grow back.
Crested Geckos are native to New Caledonia. They inhabit Rain forests’ canopies are often seen at night jumping from branches.
6. Green Iguana.
Green Iguana (Iguana iguana) is a very large lizard that resembles a “monster dragon”. It weighs 20 pounds and measures 6 to 7 feed on full maturity though female rarely exceeds 5 feet.
Green Iguana is an herbivore in nature and feeds on young plants, leaves, flowers and dust food with a lot of calcium and fruits. When young, most green iguanas are omnivores that eats on snails and insects but shifts on maturity. It lives for 15 to 20 years or more when given better care.
The male exhibit impressive spines on its back when fully matured while the female has the fleshy skin extension.
Green Iguana requires low maintenance cost since it feeds on vegetable salad that is readily available in local areas. There reptiles require a large cage ( 6×6 feet minimum) due to their large size and water pod to keep them hydrated.
The green color of Green Iguana and the serrated throated offers an impressive look to the viewers. They are mainly found in canopies of rainy forests in high altitude areas of Central and Southern America.
In case of danger, Green Iguana is able to detach its tail, which grow back with time. These reptiles can be eaten and their eggs can make nice delicacies. Green Iguana are strictly for advance and experience pet owners.
Related: Is Wall Gecko Poisonous If Eaten?
7. Dragon Moray Eel
Dragon Moray Eel (Enchelycore pardalis) is one of the most impressive “dragon-like” lizard. They measure 2 to 3 feet when fully mature and can live for 10 to 15 years under better care.
Dragon Moray Eel is a carnivore in nature and feeds on live small fish and octopus. You can feed it for 3 to 4 times a week.
The “two horns” on the head and beautiful patterns of the Dragon Moray Eel makes it more popular among pet owners leading to its high market cost ($1,000).
Dragon Moray Eel Loves sticking its head out of the cave and showing off its pointed dragon life teeth – it uses this method to threaten its predators.
This reptile is best for advanced pet owners due to its intelligence level and care needed.
Dragon Moray Eel is native to Hawaii Islands. It need a slightly larger aquarium for enable its efficient movement. These reptiles can swim as deep as 80 feet in search of food or escape from predators.
Dragon Moray Eel have no scale or paired fins and its able to change sex (hermaphroditic) in some species.
Normally, this pet lizard is difficult to feed and it’s not advisable to handle it using unprotected hands.
8. Frilled Dragon.
Frilled Dragon (Chlamydosaurus kingii) are small tiny lizard that resembles a “small dragon”. These lizards are omnivore in nature and feed on insects such as crickets and dust food with calcium supplement and fruits/vegetables – you can feed them 2 to 3 times per week,
The Frilled Dragon measures 2 to 3 feet (60cm to 90cm) when fully mature and can live for 10 to 15 years under better health care.
Frilled Dragon has a special distinctive defense mechanism in case of danger where it expands an impressive membrane found around its head so as to keep off its predators or enemies.
These lizards are very active and requires large enclosure so as to accommodate their activity levels throughout the day.
Frilled Dragon are not aggressive towards human beings though they do not like being held. At times, it gets stressed often. However, it offers and impressive look for viewers and pet owners.
Frilled Dragon is best for intermediate pet owners. It is not dangerous thus creates a friendly time for the owner though when stressed it will “frill out” its mouth open, hiss and may probably try to bite you in defense.
Frilled Dragon are native to Australia.
9. Armadillo Lizard.
Armadillo Lizard (Ouroborus cataphractus) is a special type of lizard that is look-like “dragon”. When fully mature, Armadillo Lizard measures 3.5 to 7 inches.
Armadillo Lizard is Herbivore by nature. It can be feed on a plant supplement with high level of calcium. This lizard lives for 8 to 12 years though some can live slightly longer.
Armadillo Lizard has a pointed plates that makes it look like a dragon“. These lizards are easier to care since they require a low maintenance cost. It is protected by hard scale and spines on its head and tail.
Armadillo Lizards are unique social lizards since they are able to stay together without fighting. You can therefore group a number of them in a given cage.
Armadillo Lizards are very impressive reptiles – they are able to curl up into a ball-like object. These livers are best for beginner per owners. Armadillo Lizards are only found in coast of South Africa and are widely sold in European countries.
10. Horned Lizard.
The Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma coronatum) is a small reptile that look-like a “dragon”. It measures 5 to 8 inches when fully mature and can live for at least 5 years. Many of the horned lizard species occurs in the Sonoran deserts. The finger-like scales occurring linearly at the back distinguish them from other lizards.
Horned Lizard is an insectivore and feeds on insects such as crickets and ants, which can be supplemented with formic acid for at least 3 times a week.
Horned Lizard has a horned face that makes it look like a dragon. This lizard has the ability to shoot their bloody eyes as a way of defending themselves.
Horned Lizard are difficult to care for and are suitable for advance pet owners. They are mostly found in Arizona uplands and prairies areas.
Dragons are mythical serpent like creatures that depict epitome of power according to various communities in the world.
There are various lizards such as Chinese Water Dragons, Bearded Dragons, Red-Eyed Crocodile Skink, Plumed Basilisks, Crested Geckos, Draco Lizard, Green Iguana, Armadillo Lizard and Horned Lizard that resembles “dragons”. You can keep any as your home pet “dragon”.
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