Spider Bite Vs Bed Bug Bite

Spider Bite Vs Bed Bug Bite: Top 7 Difference?

Have you ever woken up with a bite/s on your body and wondered what could be the cause? The worst arises when you imagine having a bedbug or a spider bite. How can you differentiate the two if it’s the case for you?

Check on indicators such as the physical appearance of the bite, size of the bite mark, the number of bites on the surface/body, duration of bite to heal, location of the bite as well as the degree of pain instilled when you got bitten.

  • Further, you will need to observe the frequency of bite, biting time, and severity of the bite on the victim.
  • Upon bite identification, it’s necessary to undertake proper bite treatment.

Importantly, carry out bedbug/spider prevention measures within your area in order to curb such occurrences in the future. Check these Best Spider Spray.

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Spider Bite Vs Bed Bug Bite: Top 7 Difference?

a. Physical appearance

Bedbug’s bite is usually small and appears as a reddish bump on the skin surface.

  • The bites are multiple/several/clusters in numbers. Contrary, a spider’s bite appears as a single swollen mark.

The outlook feature of the bedbug’s bite usually leaves fang marks on the surface, especially if it’s from species such as the black widow spiders.

b. Size of Bite Mark

The size of the bite mark from a spider is usually big/wide (deep fangs can be seen when the bite is still flesh), whereas the size of the bedbug’s bite is small – no visible marks at times.

Further, the bedbug’s bite may appear like a flat patch on the skin or tiny-pus rashes.

c. Number of Bites

Spider leaves one bite at a time in a given surface/location, while bedbug carries multiple bites (clusters) in a given surface/point – you will see small shallow marks or swellings on your skin.

d. Signs and Symptoms

The outstanding symptoms of a spider’s bite include high blood pressure, large swelling, severe pain, paralysis, increased heartbeats, muscle cramping, headache, nausea, and a high breathing rate.

Contrary, bedbug’s symptoms include red swollen bumps, itchy rashes/blisters (with pus), smelly odor on the surface, and prevalent painful sensation.

e. Duration of Bite/would

Upon being bitten, the spider’s bite may take one week (7days) to heal, particularly when the right treatment is undertaken.

However, the bedbug’s bite will take a slightly longer period (one to two weeks – 14 days) to heal under proper medication.

f. Degree of Bite Pain

The fact that the spider’s bite is deeper and larger as compared to that of the bedbug, the bite mark on your skin is more painful and may bleed profusely for some time.

Further, the venom injected into your body worsens human health conditions through intoxication and paralysis – this is more pronounced if bitten by some particular species of spiders like the black widow.

Bedbug’s bite is sharp and short-lived on bite onset. However, the reddish pimples formed on the skin later generate an itchy feeling that makes one scratch themselves in search of relief.

g. Bite Location

Spider’s bites are usually found on the fingers, arms, and legs (these are areas bitten mostly), while bedbug bites almost all parts of the body i.e. legs, arms, face, neck, torso, feet, and back.

Further, the bedbug bites either appear as a linear pattern or cluster on your skin.

h. Severity of Bite

Most spiders’ bites are known to be more venomous than bedbugs. Black widow and brown recluse spider bites inject hemotoxic venom that impairs the human response system and paralyzes the immune system, thus leading to death with time.

Most spider bites lead to large swollen proportions that may lead to severe wounds if not attended to instantly.

On the contrary basis, bedbug’s bites never go beyond mere pimples, which appear like red boils with under-skin pus.

Though the bedbug’s bite takes a slightly longer time to heal as compared to the spider’s counterpart, the intensity of pain is less severe/painful – the pain fades away easily. 

Read Also: Fogger for Bed Bugs

i. Biting Time

Usually, bedbugs bite night more than daytime. They tend to be more active in dark than a day – they are nocturnal.

  • The light scares the bedbugs into their hideouts. On the other hand, spider bites during the day than at night.

The presence of light is a key factor that helps the spider to locate the biting point (either leg, arm, or fingers). This doesn’t mean that a spider can’t bite you at night – however, the chances are limited.

j. Bite Frequency

Spider normally bites once at a given point (one bite and then runs always), while the bedbug may bite several times on a particular skin surface.

  • Further, unlike bedbugs, spiders tend to bite only when you threaten them.

Best Ways of Preventing Spider/Bedbug Bite?

Spider or Bedbug bite may not be a comfortable encounter, especially if you are new to the ordeal.

Therefore, it’s advisable to consider the following preventive measures:

a. Spider’s preventive measures

  1. Treating your shoes and clothes with insecticide or permethrin.
  2. Consider wearing protective gloves when working on woods, garden, outdoor activities, or when moving rocks with your hands.
  • Always apply insect repellants that are certified with EPA for environmental protection.
  1. You should wear long sleeves and fitting pants when working in woods/bush.
  2. Shake hats, gloves, and shoes well before putting them on – confirm no spider in them.
  3. Keep firewood away from the house and check for spiders before use.

Read Also: Bug Bomb for Spiders

b. Bedbug Preventive Tips

  1. Furniture should be fumigated thoroughly in case of previous cases of infestation.
  2. Assess new furniture (check if they have bedbugs) before you bring them into your house.
  • Wash and dry bedbug-infested clothes, beddings, or other items in the high heat chamber.
  1. Vacuum heavy beddings and couches to eliminate bedbug hideouts.
  2. Dispose of bedbug-infested items in case the condition prevails.
  3. Keep a close look on any item coming into your house just in case of a bedbug infestation
  • Apply bedbug repellant ointment before sleeping to keep off bedbugs
  • Carry out a routine check-in at your house to inspect if there is any bedbug infestation.
  1. Seal and fill crevices, cracks, and holes with putty or glue to keep off bedbugs from hideouts

How to Treat Spider/Bedbug Bite

In case a spider or bedbug bites you, consider any of the following treatment approaches:

a. Spider Treatment Methods

  1. Using Plantain – smear the flesh plantain on the spider bite area. This helps draw and neutralize the venom before a reaction takes place. Further, the fluid reduces severe reaction, swelling, and prevents anaphylactic shock.
  2. Activated Charcoal – rub activated charcoal on the spider bite gently and leave it for five minutes before cleaning. Rub once more and repeat this daily until the skin heals. The activated charcoal has high absorption properties that remove toxic venom and reduces acute pain
  • Baking Soda – dissolve baking soda in warm water and wipe the bitten area gently. The alkaline substance (in baking soda) reduces inflammation, itching, pain, and draws out the venom
  1. Meat Tenderizer – rub meat tenderizer onto spider bitten part, softly. The papain enzyme in the tenderizer breaks down the proteinaceous toxins in the bites, thus eliminating inflammation as well as itching/swelling occurrences.
  2. Apply for antihistamine medicine – apply for antihistamine medicine on the spider bitten area after washing the part with soap and warm water. The medicine helps in reducing itching, swelling as well as in preventing intoxication.
  3. Get Tetanus Booster – for a poisonous spider bite, it’s advisable to take a tetanus injection booster to prevent intoxication and paralysis, which may be fatal if not attended to in time. This should be taken instantly if you note symptoms such as breathing difficulties and heart palpitations problems.

Read Also: CrossFire for Bed Bugs

b.  Bedbug Treatment Methods

  1. Using Diatomaceous earth – Gently, rub diatomaceous earth on the bedbug bitten area and leave it for 10minutes before washing. Repeat the same two to three times. The active substance in diatomaceous earth reduces swelling and itching feelings that escalate if not attended to in time.
  2. Hydrocortisone cream – Apply the cream on the bitten section and leave it to heal with time. The paste does not only act as a pain relaxer but prevents swelling and curb further intoxication.
  • Use Antihistamine medicine – apply or get an antihistamine injection to prevent intoxication and further swelling of the bitten skin area. This should be carried out as soon as you discover the bite is bedbugs.
  1. Herbal Lotion – consider applying herbal lotion over any bedbug bite since the compound contains components that prevent intoxication and swelling. Further, the herbal concoction acts as a pain relaxer too.


On spider bite vs bedbug bite, you’ll need to check on indicators such as the physical appearance of the bite, size of the bite mark, the number of bites on the surface/body, duration of bite to heal, location of the bite as well as the degree of pain instilled when you got bitten, in order to differentiate between the two.

  • Furthermore, it’s advisable to observe the frequency of bite, biting time, and severity of the bite to attain detailed information.
  • Upon bite clarification, you are expected to undertake proper bite treatment, as highlighted in this article, as well as bedbug/spider prevention measures within your area so as to curb such occurrences.

Remember, spider or bedbug bites may lead to serious complications. Therefore, medical attention should always be sorted immediately, if need be, especially for allergy-sensitive individuals.

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