Termite Fumigation

Termite Fumigation Process – How it Works

Are termites bugging your property – termite fumigation, maybe all you need? Maybe you’ve tried natural control methods with limited success.

I know, it’s a real headache! Termite fumigation will provide you with the best solution for the total eradication of termites from your property.

If your house is infested with insects that are hard to remove using termite killers or treatments, fumigation may help eliminate large colonies of termites from your place. 

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Details: Termite Fumigation Process – How it Works

The process may take one to two days and need some preparations, but it may kill termites from all the cracks and corners of your house or business once done.


Fumigation involves covering the house or other property with canvas tarps or a tent introducing a termiticide gas inside the whole structure and wood timbers to kill termites effectively. Related: Flying Ants vs. Termites

Termite Fumigation Process (Step By Step)?

Since this process involves many steps, it should be done under the supervision of an expert. Many companies provide such service at an affordable cost in most countries.

You may also call an expert for examining your house and advise you whether you need the process or not – check these termite bait stations

Once you know about the degree of the infestation, you may opt for elimination through fumigation, which involves the following steps:

Step #1: Evacuate the Building

The building of the house, which needs termite fumigation, is evacuated first. This is because inhaling the gas used in fumigation could be harmful to humans and pets. It may even cause damage to plants.

Therefore, during the whole process, nobody is allowed to enter the house or property. Some companies fill the area with chloropicrin first to ensure that the place is completely vacant. This gas causes throat irritation and tearing of eyes, though it is harmless and used only to ensure the vacant place.

Step #2: Secure the Interior of the House

The interior of the house is prepared by sealing food items, medicines, and spices. No food item is left unpacked so that the gas does not get on it and is ingested later.

Fans are placed at specific locations to ensure proper circulation of the gas inside the house. Drawers and cupboards are left open so that any termite infestation on such an object is eliminated. 

Read Also: Top 7 Termite Prevention Tips for Home

Step #3: Seal the Doors and Windows

This step involves sealing all the doors and windows.

The doors are locked so that no one gets inside the house accidentally during the process. The whole structure is then covered with a tent used to keep the fumigant inside it for some time. If not covered, the gas will easily escape without doing its work.

Step #4: Fumigating

Once your property is evacuated and covered, Vikane fumigant is introduced inside the tent in controlled doses. It is this gas that reaches all the creeks and corners of the house and kills termites.

Vikane is then left inside the house for some time to ensure the complete removal of termites.

Step #5: Aerating the House

After a definite time, the fumigation crew removes the tent and reaches inside the house with proper precautions. They open all the doors and windows and put on fans to aerate the house.

Once the house is thoroughly aerated, the fumigation team checks for the presence of Vikane inside the house with specialized equipment. After the whole process is complete, you are allowed to enter your house.

Termite fumigation is one of the best ways to get rid of termites as it ensures complete eradication of the insects, and there is no chance of termites returning to your property easily. 

The fumigant used does not stick to any surface, and therefore there is no hassle of cleaning the whole house after the process. Vikane readily dissipated into the atmosphere and caused no harm to the ozone layer.

Before you decide on fumigating your house, it is important to understand what do termites look like? Since termites may resemble ants and other insects in many ways, make sure you have spotted termites in your house.

Usually, the fumigation process takes between 3-4 nights. The fumigation expert will seal your house using tents and tarps and release the fumigating chemical into the enclosed space.

The expert fumigator will make a fumigation decision after making appropriate calculations to determining the chemical required after considering the targeted pest, size of the house, and the prevalent temperature.

How Safe is Termite Fumigation? 

Aeration of the house is the next step that the fumigator will need to allow fresh air to circulate. Also, the expert will test the air for harmful gases using special gas assessing equipment. If all is safe, they will clear you to reoccupy the facilities.

  • Caution: Before discussing the termite fumigation cost, ensure that your fumigator is only trained and certified, as required by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Also, the fumigator should adhere to the various safety precautions for successful fumigation of the termites.
  • The fumigation process will be safe if conducted by the recommended preparations and precautions. However, ensure you engage a trained and certified fumigator for the process.
  • For safety purposes, remove food from the house and ensure people and pets are away from the hoi sue during fumigation.
  • After fumigation, the exterminator should test the house to trace any traces of the chemicals using a fumiscope.

They will allow people and their animals back into the house if the fumigant traces are below one part of a million clean air parts.

Preparing For Termite Fumigation (Steps by Step)

You’ll receive a checklist, from your fumigator, of the things to do and things to organize in preparation for the fumigation process. Therefore, do not delay any tasks or recommendations that will be on the checklist.

Step #1 Call your gas company.

Before commencing the fumigation process, contact your natural gas firm and request them to shut off the line to your house.

Organize with the gas company to temporarily shut off the gas line in the morning the fumigation starts. However, if you use gas tanks in your house, ensure to turn off the source.

Read Also: Top 5 Subterranean Termites Treatment

Step #2: Leave the house with all your animals!

To avoid chemical poisoning, leave the house with all the people and animals. Also, make sure that all the pets and fish in the house, outdoor, and backyard are removed from or near the area to be fumigated.

Further, move the plants inside the house to a zone where the fumigant chemicals will not damage them.

Step #3: Secure the food in the house

Move all the food you have in the house to a safe location outside. Also, you can double bag some of the food using special fumigation bags.

Note: Do not leave food in the fridge as it will not be safe after the fumigation process is complete. The food could harm your health or that of your pets’ health if you consume it after the fumigation.

For food items that are still packaged in plastic bags, such as rice, you should double bag them and move them to a secure location. However, you can retain any canned and still factory sealed food in the house.

Step #4: Move or secure medication.

Any medications in the house secure it by double bagging or taking them outside the house to be fumigated.

However, remember first to take away the medication you will require before the house is secure for re-occupation.

Step #4: Cut the shrubs near the house

Cut shrubs and plans that are around your house and which will be outside the tented region. After completing the pruning, make sure to water the plans that will not be in the tented area.

My Neighbor is Termite Fumigating: Am I safe?

Fumigation tents are aimed to contain all the chemicals inside the area under treatment. Therefore, if a reputable and certified company conducts the fumigation, then you will be safe.

However, you can give the company a call and inquire about your house’s safety, particularly if your house is very near to the tented area. The company should adhere to the set-out regulations to protect you and other neighbors.


If you are unsure about the specific regulations on your state’s fumigation process, contact your pest control company.

Install a pest inspection for your house. The actions allow you to control any minor pest infestations before a major attack happens.

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