How Much Does a Termite Inspection Cost?

You’ll undertake a termite inspection during the regular home maintenance or home purchase processes – but it has many challenges.

It’s a visual inspection of the home (including crawlspaces & basements) for signs of termites. But how much does a termite inspection cost? 

Well, the average termite inspection cost is $150, but it can go as low as $60 depending on the size and condition of your home. But some bug control firms will waive this fee if you eventually hire them for termites extermination. 

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Details: Average Termite Inspection Cost?  

Caution: the termite inspector must be experienced, licensed, insured, and bonded. So, what’s the average termite inspection cost? 

As an estate closing cost, the termite inspection costs will be about $60 to $150, plus this will also give you a WDO (Wood-Destroying) Report with two sections. 

  • Section 1: Includes the critical step the homeowner or the exterminator must take to protect their investment structures from the termites. 
  • Section 2: Outlines the likely problems or shortcomings during the termite control process using the best termite killers, a professional exterminator, or home remedies

What’s Included in this Cost? 

  • On certifications, termite inspectors are very different from home inspectors. Home inspectors will inspect water, electrical, structural systems, roof, and cooling and heating units. 
  • However, it would help if you undertook termite inspections in 2 years. 

Extra Inspection costs? 

  • 1-year warranty – If the termite inspection report comes as part of the home purchase, you’d need a 1-year connecting warranty costing you between $270 to $360. 
  • Discounts – You might get a free termite inspection when your house is not part of the prevailing real estate transaction. 


  • Ensure the termite inspector gives you a repair guarantee encase anything will be damaged in the but inspection process.
  • Don’t hire an inspector who offers exaggerated claims, such as having a “secret formula” for termite inspection and extermination. 
  • Is the termite inspector legitimate? Well, contact the local client protection organization to ensure they’ve not committed offenses in other towns. 

Why Do a Termite Inspection?

If only torching your home wouldn’t cost too much, you’d probably consider it. Ha! Often, money would probably come in second or third in line next to human toxicity, environmental impact, and convenience for users. 

  1. To satisfy the pre-home buying process termite inspection. For example, when you consider flying ants vs. termites – these bugs almost look alike. The examination will remove the fear and also enhance the bargaining advantage for the home seller. 
  2. To get a termite prevention and control quote.
  3. To confirm the effectiveness of a recent termite treatment process.
  4. To satisfy the termite bond or the annual termite service agreement. 

5 Signs that You Need a Termite Inspection?

How to Hire a Termite Inspector?

Termites are nasty bugs that’ll gnaw off your home and other structures. But hiring a termite inspector may also eat up a fortune of your finances. Here’s how to hire one effectively. 

1. Conduct Termite Inspectors Research 

First, check this termite inspector guide by NPMA. However, from the onset, get an insured, bonded, experienced, and licensed termite inspection company. 

However, make sure the inspectors are legitimate – check with the local client protection organization. 

  1. Inquire or take referrals from your work or social network 
  2. Go through the local telephone book to check for qualified termite inspectors. 
  3. Browse through the internet to check the qualified and highly-rated inspectors 

2. Contact the Inspectors

Next, you’ll take and contact the termite inspectors through the details you get from the research.

  1. Inquire if the inspector is in a professional bug control organization – a positive response might show that the company is active and experienced. 
  2. Ask the inspector company only to involve the most qualified personnel in your termite inspection.

3. Schedule the Termite Inspection

The next step is to schedule the inspection – if the termite inspection cost fits your bill. However;

  1. Request to have a minimum of 3 inspectors to undertake the termite inspection.
  2. Ensure they state any inspection fee that they may require from the process.
  3. Get some written inspection reports and costs according to the areas that are termite infested. Further, ensure you know the number of treatments and materials that will be needed.
  4. What amount of time will be needed to undertake the termite inspection fully. Does the inspector offer any warranty or additional costs while inspecting?
  5. Finally, the inspector should outline how long you, your kids, and kids must remain outside the house after undertaken.

4. Check the Inspection Reports (Including Costs)

Go ahead and check the inspection reports to determine the next steps to take. Also, check if the reports offer some guarantees time and the cost involved for that time – is it free?

The next step will be reviewing the provided cost estimates from the inspection. So, now check the difference in the kind of materials to be used in the examination.

Also, ensure that you’re good with the materials used in the inspection and termite treatment process. Further, compare the materials or items and the costs – including that of labor.

5. Select Your Favored Termite Inspector 

Select one termite inspector from the shortlisted. Ensure that one has the skills, expertise, and termite inspection cost that matches your needs. 

6. Get and Enter into the Inspection Contract 

Finally, it’s time to get your contract from the selected termite inspector. But the provided contact must readily compare to the initial estimate. 

Further, ensure that all the details are correct, including contract year, company signature, termite inspection costs, and contact information. 

When that is all done, sign the inspection contract ready for the visit. Next, schedule the inspection date and time plus the treatment requirements and terms if that will be required.  

How Much Does It Cost To Treat a House for Termites?

The average termite fumigation cost is $1000 to $3000 for your average home or about $10 – $20 for every linear foot. But this is thorough termite extermination, including using lethal gas. The termite extermination cost will vary depending on several factors, including:- 

  1. Floor area and total structure size of your house to be termite treated. 
  2. Level of termite infestation. Whether the structure is dry or damp – this tends to promote fast termite colony reproduction.
  3. The number and type of treatments needed – for example, will be a soil treatment fumigation or spot treatment. For example, you may use termite bait stations
  4. Soil treatment costs generally range from $800 – $1,500. But fumigation ranges from $1,400 upwards, while the spot treatment will cost you roughly $250 per area of 10-square-foot. 

How to Select the Best Termite Control Agency

Notably: Give the high cost of repairing caused by termite damage; you’ll note that it is advisable to conduct a practical termite inspection. 

Once you’ve decided to pre-treat or go all-out war on termites, searching for the right professional pest control agency would be your next call.

You would have to hire their services to have them assess the possible damage already in place and the total termite inspection costs and treatment for subterranean termites.

Your decision will inevitably involve a few factors you would want to consider before making that phone call—the most critical of choosing a licensed pest control company if applicable in your locale.

Why Hire A Licensed Termite Control Agency?

Do not just consider the cost of the termite inspection and control agency; competency is an equally important factor.

  1. Although licensed companies may cost a lot more, it would benefit you most to know that you hired skilled professionals who have been deemed socially and environmentally responsible with their products and services.
  2. In some cases, if there are no licensing and regulatory entities in your area, you can find out if the company is an enlisted member of reputable organizations for pest management and the like.
  3. Some home insurance companies occasionally cover termite inspections and treatments if the pest control agency is duly licensed. This could be big savings and hassle for you.
  4. Window shop for good deals and don’t get too carried away by prices. Study their offers, service guarantees, and preventive and maintenance packages they can tie up with your needs. 
  5. You may find their packages a very ideal and worry-free termite treatment deal. Sometimes a pricey package can be worth it in the end.
  6. Don’t fret as soon as you find out your home is infested with termites. Take your time to make a sound decision by researching online and reading up on factoids and whatnot before you point that finger on the yellow pages on the fanciest looking pest control advertisement.
  7. And lastly, don’t get pressured by sales talk. Many pest control agencies will attempt to lure you into signing a contract with them by making it seem like your house will cave-in in a matter of weeks if you take the time to shop around. This is a very dishonest technique that has worked on a lot of homeowners.

Note: Be very clear and let them know you are merely window shopping for termite inspection costs for the time being, and let them know you appreciate their time and their effort to help you out but would need more time to make a commitment and a decision.

Factors to Consider For Termite Fumigation Cost?

Despite that you might want the termite problem eliminated immediately, you will need to consider the agencies you hire carefully. 

  1. Whether you are in the market for pre-treatment or total termite damage control, a standard termite inspection will entail a thorough visual inspection in all areas of your home, including hard-to-reach places.
  2. Don’t hesitate to ask questions about their extent of service and details of treatment procedures. After inspection, a reputable termite company will provide written details of findings and the total areas of treatment coverage. Make sure you keep this for future reference.
  3. Termite inspection procedures and time frames will vary for each home. Naturally, a bigger home will need more time to assess, but sometimes smaller homes can be more tedious.
  4. As long as you feel your home has been thoroughly inspected according to the written guidelines of your agency, and you’re satisfied with it, then you know you made the right choice.

Questions for Termite Exterminators

1. Can you provide references? 

Request the prospective companies to provide references for past clients. After receiving the references, make a call to them and inquire about the quality and success of the services offered by the prospective company you are considering.

2. Experience Level? 

To determine how well the company can undertake the pest control process, you need to know the total years that the firm has worked in offering similar services.

Therefore, you require contacting the EPA and the Better Business Bureau to know if some cases or complaints are filed against the prospective firm.

3. Are companies and personnel licensed?

The prospective must prove that they have at least one licensed and certified termite fumigant applicator. Further, you should verify the licenses of the insecticide applicators by contacting the State Departments of Agriculture.


    1. Termites: How to Identify and Control Them | Pest Control  
    2. Drywood Termites Management Guidelines–UC IPM 
    3. Termite – Wikipedia
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