Tiny Red Ants In Florida

Tiny Red Ants In Florida – Homeowners Seek Solutions

Most homeowners in Florida have experienced the tiny Red Ants challenge – this is among other 49+ ant species such as red fire ant, carpenter ant, and ghost ants. 

Some of the tiny ants that wreak havoc in the Florida area include the yellow ant, black ant, sugar ant, and pharaoh ant. Despite that these tiny ants may look harmless, I’ve noted that they’ll bite humans and pets to leave so much pain – you’ll be left treating the ant bites

In this post, I’ve discussed the Tiny Red Ants In Florida in detail and what you should know or worry about. Let’s dig right into it.

Details: Tiny Red Ants In Florida

1. Yellow Ants

Unlike the carpenter ant and black ant that have been in Florida for a long time, the yellow ant is a new ant species in that location that arrived in 2017 – as outlined by scientists

  • The yellow ants are tiny and came from Madagascar – they’re thought to have arrived during Hurricane Irma, especially from South and Caribbean America. 

These ants measure about 1/16th inches with their food being honeydew and flower nectar – all of which are dropped by the insects that suck sap. 

  • However the yellow and ants won’t sting or bite – but they’ll spread and grow their colony very fast and hence when you see them in your Florida home, they may already have taken over the house. 

The yellow ants could also impact agriculture by contributing to the damaging of the ornamental plants and other crops just like it’s done by the scale insects, mealy bugs, and aphids.

  • However, the yellow ants only operate to protect the crop-damaging bugs – they don’t feed on those plants. You’ll find the ants in the woods around the house since they love high moisture such as rotten wooden logs, and wet soil.

For the removal of these yellow ants from your Florida home or elsewhere, I recommend using some vacuum cleaner

2. Carpenter Ants

The Carpenter Ants scientifically referred to as then Camponotus floridanus are comparable in size and shape to the Fire Ants and Big-Headed Ants since they love protein diet as opposed to carbohydrates. 

The large-sized carpenter ants will mainly be active in the early morning or late nights – they’ll easily hide under the house or in the attics – and thus it might be challenging to locate these ant nests.

  • These bugs will thus contribute to the destruction of structures such as house foundations and attic materials while also causing painful and powerful bites in humans.

You can control these Carpetemnt ants by; removing all the standing water or moisture as this will help you protect your attics, basements, and crawl spaces; this action will also help remove other bugs like termites, mosquitoes, and ants. 

  • Further, you should trim plants and tree branches that are around your house. Also, remove all the cables and wires that the carpenter ants may use to trail from the yard to your buildings or house – such as the attics. 

Any spaces, holes, or openings that are on the house must be sealed using silicone caulk since the carpenter ants and other bugs may nest here. 

Equally, keep building materials and firewood a place away from the house since the pests could create their nests around these objects. 

In addition, apply approved ant treatment chemicals on the nest of these pests to help exterminate any workers, queen, and brood; this will help in cutting the reproduction and ant cycle.

3. Big Headed Ants 

The big-headed ants (Pheidole megacephala) are also another ant species that is invasive and you’ll find them in Florida too. They won’t bite humans or cause major home damage unless you disturb them. 

  • The reddish-brown big-headed ants have been common in Australia and Africa but have now moved into South Florida.

The big-headed ants have different sizes even in one colony (simply referred to as polymorphic). Further, these ants don’t sting or bite.

  • The ants may also exist in large interconnected colonies that will nest over many structures and hence controlling these would be challenging even with using chemicals or insecticides.

You can spot the big-headed ants in the yard or landscape as they’re forging in the attics and walls – you may notice the foraging tube and trails (conical shaped) on trees. 

  • You may also see the big-headed ants that may be found on flowerbeds, under concrete slabs, and on lawns. You’ll also notice that the dirt piles and nests will be found between pavers and sidewalks. 

The “crawling ants” and also the “workers” of the Big Headed Ant will equally be found on the crevices and cracks ad they feed on food remains of juices, fruit, pet food, peanut butter, molasses, liver, grease, and also meat which may be in the storage cabinets or the kitchens. 

Controlling the Big Headed Ants; You can prevent the growth or infestation of the Big-Headed Ants in your Florida home is to ensure that all the pet food and human food wi remain well sealed. 

  • Keeping the food containers air-tight will avoid attracting the ants with the scent while also avoiding spillage 

You should also screen or caulk any window, or baseboard cracks and holes that the ants might be using to forage in the house. 

4. Fire Ants

Some fire ant species that you’ll find in Florida are red imported fire ant (RIFA) and the  Solenopsis Invicta Buren – all of which will be in the Port Saint Lucie and Stuart regions. 

  • The fire ants (Red Imported species) came into Florida mainly from south and central America around the time when World War II concluded. 

The Fire ants will sting and bite especially when they’ve gathered in a crowd – they’ll largely bite the feet. You’ll notice that the ants are black or brown-colored with a dark abdomen. 

  • The habits of the fires ants will be in electrical equipment, indoors, under buildings and pavement, around stumps and trees, and in rotting logs. 

The food the fire ants will love includes Lipids (oils, lard, grease), Proteins (meat and insects), Carbohydrates (syrups, sugars, and fruits). 

  • The treatment options for fire ants include spot and barrier treatments, and mound treatments or baiting applications. 


The tiny red ants in Florida are pharaoh ants (comparable to Thief ants), Yellow Ants, Fire Ants, Big Headed Ants, Carpenter Ants.

  • The pharaoh ants are about the length of 1/16-inch, red to light yellow in color, and have some black marking on their abdomen – and 3 body segments and also an antennal club.

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