Top 7 Natural Termite Control Methods

In this article, I will discuss how to naturally control (compared to other termite treatments) and eliminate termites without hiring a professional.

Termites have been reported to cause massive damage to buildings each year.

As a result, expensive rebuilding is done to repair their damage. However, if you suspect a termite infestation, don’t panic. 

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7 Natural Termite Control

It would help if you took swift action to control termite infestation because they can cause significant damage over time. Also, if you don’t contain the problem of termite infestation early, you can end up incurring thousands, if not millions of dollars in repairs, as well as costly termite pest control.

But First! It is essential for you to correctly identify types of termites and all signs of termite infestation before deciding on the best natural method to get rid of the termite infestation.

1. Borax Solution for Termites

Sodium borate also is known as the borax solution, helps to kill subterranean termites. You’ll need to apply sodium borate powder or sodium borate solution to the targeted region to get better results. A sodium borate solution is a mixture of borax and water.

The borax solution is environmentally friendly and does not affect either humans or pests. You can apply borate solution by spraying or painting it on surfaces of wood of newly built buildings. Application of the borax solution can help avert future termite infestation in your residence.

Here’s a kicker!!

Always repeat the application of the borax solution until the entire colony of termites is eliminated. You can also decide to use borate treatments combined with other natural termite treatment for an effective outcome. 

2. Parasitic Nematodes for Termites

Nematodes are worm species that love to feed on termites. If you have a termite infestation in your home or business premises, release Nematodes into a colony, the Nematodes will eat up all the termites causing havoc on your premises.

You can purchase nematodes at local pet stores. You can also purchase it online, as many online stores stock it. Nematodes are safe to use. They are not harmful to humans, pets, or plants. They mainly concentrate on pests and ruin their colony within a short period.

Important Point to Note!! If you are not using the Nematodes immediately, store them in a refrigerator. Also, Use the Nematodes after sunset or early in the morning.

3. Sunlight exposure

Sunlight is one of the most inexpensive methods to get rid of termites. Termites prefer darkness, and they die when exposed to light or heat.

For your wooden furniture, such as tables and chairs infested with the termite, sunlight treatment for 2-3 days would be the best termite control technique. The sunlight will kill the termites and avert their spread.

If you can’t get your furniture out because of unavoidable circumstances, you can purchase or rent UV lamps, which have an equal effect on the sun’s rays. Take the UV lamps and shine it towards the termite infestation.

4. Getting Rid Of Moisture to Kill Termites

Termites flourish and multiply quickly in areas that have excessive water moisture. Therefore, ensure that all parts of the room and building are kept dry. Also, you need to repair structures that are prone to moisture.

Keeping all wooden items dry will also help you counter termite attacks. It’s important for moisture to not get into the wood as such conditions would attract termites.

It is also vital you inspect the building’s perimeter to ascertain that there are no water leakages that might affect the foundation and cause termite infestation.

5. Using Botanical Treatments to Kill Termites

Some of the most effective natural botanical treatments used to kill termites are orange oil and Neem oil.

Orange oil: Orange oil has an active compound referred to as d-limonene. D-limonene has a potent formulation that enables it to kill termites instantly. Orange oil treatment is also useful in eliminating colonies of Dry wood termite.

Neem oil: Neem oil is also a top-rated botanical treatment for killing termites. This oil is obtained from the Asian neem tree. When using neem oil to eliminate termites, ensure you apply it in their colonies so that the termites will directly ingest it and die. Remember!! If you want a quick result, repeat Neem oil’s application several times until the whole colony is killed. 

6. Cardboard Trap to Kill Termites

The use of cardboard is the most non-toxic and natural termite killer recipe. Cardboard traps are considered effective as they have an important compound called cellulose, which attracts female termites.

The cellulose enables the cardboard to offer a woody smell, which in turn attracts the termites. To make the smell even more appealing, you can lightly spray the cardboard with water.

Then, place the moistened cardboard close to the target area. After a short period, termites will cling on top of the cardboard. Collect the cardboard and get rid of it through burning.

7. Use Boric Acid to Kill Termites

Boric acid is an important natural home remedy that dehydrates the bugs and halts their nervous system.

For the best result, you can spray or coat the wood with the acid. You can also lightly dust boric acid into wall voids, cracks, crevices, or other places the pests are likely to hide.

Boric acid acts by sticking on the antennae, legs, and bodies of termites. These pests consume the boric acid during grooming, which is poisonous for them, hence dying instantly.

Important Precaution: Boric acid is toxic if inhaled. For your safety, you should always use gloves and masks while using it. Ensure your children and pets don’t come into contact with this acid because of its toxic properties.

Types of Termites

Drywood Termites: If your residence or business is infested with Drywood termites, you’ll notice wood that is not directly in contact with the ground is eaten up.

Drywood termites are easy to identify since they don’t build earthen mud tubes. A sure way to confirm a dry wood termite infestation is by looking out for hard, dry fecal capsules that normally form piles.

Drywood termites attack all kinds of dry wood. Further, they sometimes attack furniture or other wood products, especially in those that would normally not have this kind of termites.

Subterranean Termites: On the other hand, the subterranean termites live underground and depend on the soil for moisture and colony formation.

You’ll identify subterranean termite infestation on your building’s external walls when you see tubes made of mud, wood chips, and soft fecal matter directed towards the wood product.

Below are the top termite killer recipes that will guarantee you a termite-free residence within the shortest time possible.


Now that you are informed on the Natural Termite Control Methods You Can Easily Do, you’ll easily prevent or eliminate termite infestation on your premises.

For effective results, you can combine one method with the other, especially when treating a problematic termite colony. These natural home remedies guarantee maximum safety because they don’t contain harmful chemicals.


  1. NCBI – Termite Resistance of MDF Panels Treated with Various Boron Compounds
  2. Disodium Octaborate tetrahydrate – Wikipedia 
  3. Drywood Termites – General Biology
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