Wagner Flexio 590 Paint Sprayer

Wagner Flexio 590 is a multi-purpose hand sprayer that is flexible for use on either indoors or outdoors painting jobs. Pest Control

Designed with an X-Boost turbine, it is instrumental in enhancing the performance of this sprayer by providing enough power for use on large projects or small projects.

You can adjust it by increasing the speed and the flow of paint making it possible for you to achieve any spray pattern and a professional finish. 

See Also: Using a Wagner Paint Sprayer

Details: Wagner Flexio 590 Paint Sprayer  

Whether you want vertical or horizontal or wide or narrow, this is all achievable. Also by increasing its speed you minimize overspray and also achieve a smooth professional finish on your surface.

This sprayer also features two kinds of nozzles; an ispray and a detail finish nozzle for use on large projects for small projects respectively.

These nozzles alongside the turbine make it easy to spray different kinds of paints including thick and unthinned paints.

This hand sprayer is portable and makes spraying look an easy task and the fact that it is also quiet can make you spend the whole day spraying.


  • Easy and portable
  • Can spray all kinds of patterns
  • Has a powerful turbine
  • Comes with 2 nozzles
  • Easy to assemble
  • Affordable
  • Multi-purpose
  • For both large and small projects


  • The tips are prone to clogging in case of thicker material
  • Short power cord

The sprayer is easy to assemble even for a first-timer and in addition, it is easy to clean-up. It is fast and efficient and to some extent 10X faster than brushes and rollers. 

See Also: Paint Overspray When Spray Painting

1. Feature of Wagner Flexio 590

If you are a professional or a DIYer, there is a need to know more about what the Wagner Flexio 590 can. What are the dos and the don’ts of this sprayer and why choose this sprayer over the others.

This review will give you an elaborate guide to help you understand what it is you are dealing with and what is its limits.

This sprayer comprises 3 main components that work differently but altogether enhance its performance.

These components include X-Boost Turbine and 2 nozzles; ispray and a detail finish nozzle.


The X-Boost turbine is specially designed for this sprayer to generate pressure and create paint flow from the in-built motor.  This is a great enabler of the many benefits found in this sprayer.

The turbine is electric powered and can be used both indoors and outdoors. By default, the sprayer flow is set to the maximum but can be adjusted based on the kind of paint that you are using and also the kind of project that you are undertaking.

You can set a higher power/speed flow in case you are doing a paint with high viscosity and a lower speed for unthinned paints. The maximum speed of this sprayer is 10 times faster than brush and rollers. 

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1.2. Adjustable ispray Nozzle

If you are going to undertake a large project, you will need to use the ispray adjustable nozzle. This is faster and appropriate for such.

You can adjust the ring of this nozzle depending on the kind of spray pattern you want to achieve, i.e. horizontal, vertical or round painting.

You can also adjust the nozzle to fit into spraying edges, narrow space, and corners, and other smaller spaces. For all the large projects, you just need to increase the turbine speed and power for efficiency in your spray.

The higher the power, the greater the coverage and the easier it is for a professional smooth finish. With this nozzle, you don’t have to worry about the kind of paint materials. Whether oil-based, water-based, stains, varnishes, or even latex paints. 

See Also: Sprayer for Latex Paint

1.3. Detail Finish Nozzle

If you undertaking small projects like small furniture, railings, or even trims, this is an ideal nozzle to use on your Wagner Flexio 590 sprayer.

Just like in the ispray, the paint flow will also be very vital when spraying as well as adjusting the nozzle to fit into the appropriate spray pattern.

However, it is important to know that this nozzle cannot work well with thick paints but you can use it on stains and oil-based paints.

2. Elaborate Pros

The good side of having this Wagner Flexio 590 is the power it gives you control of how your painting should be.

With X-Boost, you can regulate the flow and speed of the sprayer to achieve smooth coverage. This is achievable through the dial with a speed of 1-9.

Though the machine comes set by default at the maximum speed, you can always regulate it by turning the knob either clockwise or anticlockwise.

This sprayer also has a unique ispray nozzle that you can on all kinds of surfaces whether large or small. With it, you can spray all kinds of materials with different viscosity.

The design of this hand sprayer enhances its portability and makes it possible for one to do large projects with minimum fatigue.

Additionally, this sprayer is very easy to assemble and even if it’s your first time owning this sprayer, you will have an easy time fixing it.

The flow knob on the top of this sprayer is very effective when it comes to controlling the paint flow and therefore improving the coverage and minimizing any likelihood of an overspray.

When you are done, with your spray, the sprayer is easy to clean-up. All you need to do is fill the cup/reservoir with water and turn it on as though doing a spray until the reservoir is fully rinsed. 

See Also: Airless Paint Sprayer Under 300

3. Elaborate Cons

Though, this sprayer ticks in almost everything, there are still limitations especially on thick paints that can easily clog this sprayer.

Adequate thinning of such materials should adhere to as well as using the appropriate nozzle to avoid such unfortunate incidences.

The other thing is the short power cord that is very limiting especially when you have to do large projects.

This can be very discouraging especially if the source of power is far from where you are undertaking your project. This may also be common for outdoor projects where you have to source power.

4. Maintenance

Maintenance should be taken seriously if indeed you need longer service life from this sprayer.

First, you need to clean-up the sprayer very well after use to avoid wears and tear that could occur due to rust and corrosion among other damages.

Using proper cleaning materials should also be observed with strict adherence. For instance, using warm water and soap is advisable especially when you are done using latex paints.

Secondly, use the right nozzle for the right materials is equally important and will keep your sprayer long enough.

Using the wrong nozzle could negatively impact the sprayer and cause clogging and possible damage to the sprayer. More maintenance information is also provided in the user manual. 

See Also: Paint Sprayer for Furniture

5. Best alternatives for Wagner Flexio 590

Could be you are impressed by the features of Wagner Flexio 590 and it is not available in the stores or you feel you need a more updated model of the same sprayer Wagner FLEXiO 2000 would be a good alternative for you.

Equipped with more features this sprayer is a little bit expensive so you may have to dig deeper into your pockets. This is also designed to do medium to large projects and most professionals would settle for this.

Another alternative would be Wagner Control Spray 250 which is pocket friendly but with reduced features than the Wagner Flexio 590.

Most DIYers will actually settle for this especially if you do not have large projects and looking for something economical. See Also: Paint Sprayer for Interior Walls.


With the conclusive Wagner Flexio 590 review, I hope you have a clear guide into buying or any other purpose. As outlined above, the merits of this sprayer outweigh the demerits and this gives you all the reasons to settle for this sprayer.

If you are DIYer you may find the cord a bit nagging for its shortness but you can always get over it. As for clogging, the guide is clear, and with proper adherence, you will definitely enjoy using this sprayer for a long.

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