What is blep in pets Cats and dogs

Cats never cease to amaze with their adorable but sometimes bizarre behaviors. One such behavior is “blep” (as described on the inter-webs), particularly among cats and dogs. So, we asked our pet behavior expert: What is blep in pets (cats and dogs), you ask?

Well, no one really knows the origin of this “blep” word, but you might already know how it looks like. It’s when your cat or dog unconsciously sticks out its tongue, particularly when they forget to take it back. Most time, cats blep while they are resting. 

So, blep, it’s usually not anything to worry about. But, blep can also significant damage to the face, teeth, or jaw. Read Also: Flea Treatment for Dogs.

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What is blep in pets Cats and dogs – Blepping – What is it?

Despite that blep fans believe that cats are the only animals capable of bleeping, most pets can blep. Blep is a normal act in most animals. However, in some cases, bleeping could be an indication of an underlying medical condition. 

Therefore, you should ensure to know your pet’s normal at-rest position to identify if there are any abnormal bleeping that could require medical attention.

A normal blep may happen because a cat or dog’s tongue is too big for its mouth such that it sticks out for increased comfort. Read Also: Flea Treatment for Kittens. However, a blep could also happen because of face, teeth, or jaw damage. In such a case, the pet’s mouth cannot comfortably hold the tongue, and thus, it will stick out. What is blep in pets (cats and dogs)?

Abrupt Disturbance

Most cats will hang their cat out if you disturb them while they are grooming. However, you can further investigate your cat if it has suddenly started to blep, particularly if it shows additional signs like eating challenges and drooling.

Therefore, consider calling or visiting the vet to check your cat if you note abnormal blep behavior.

Also, A blep may be due to a Hanging Tongue Syndrome. 

Hanging Tongue Syndrome – Blep in Dogs 

A blep in dogs could be a sign of Hanging Tongue Syndrome. In Hanging Tongue Syndrome, a dog’s tongue is painful due to becoming dry and cracking, which forces the pet to stick its tongue out.

Read Also: Best Flea Treatment for Cats.

Therefore, if you, not your dog blepping, check the above initial signs and symptoms of a possible Hanging Tongue Syndrome. If you note some or all the signs, then you should call your vet to give your dog the required medical attention or carry them with the Dog Backpack Carrier to the Vets office for medical attention. 


Well, now you know – the common “blep” should be investigated further beyond the fanaticism hype as it could indicate a medical condition in your pet. 

However, a blep could also be normal in some pets in their resting position. Hence, stay woke with your pets.

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