Bed Bugs

Lifespan of a Bed Bug without Blood

Lifespan of a Bed Bug without Blood

Bed bugs are warm-blooded, reddish-brown, and wingless pests that survive from blood meals. But what’s the lifespan of a bed bug without blood.  In brief; adult bed bugs will live for 400 days (a year) without taking that blood meal (they’re well resilient) while the nymphs will only survive for 20 to 90 days.  Thus, there is […]

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Do Ants Kill Bed Bugs

Do Ants Kill Bed Bugs??

Most bed bug killers may not work and are expensive – but you can use natural treatments such as pests. So, below we answer this question – do ants kill bed bugs?  In summary, ants (among other insects) such as the red-imported fire and pharaoh ant species predate and kill bed bugs. But exterminators also

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